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PET studies have provided mixed evidence regarding central D2/D3 dopamine receptor binding and its relationship with obesity as measured by body mass index (BMI). Other aspects of obesity may be more tightly coupled to the dopaminergic... more
A sóvárgás az opiátfüggõség kialakulásában és fennmaradásában jelentõs szerepet játszik. A terápiáknak elsõsorban a sóvárgás csökkentésére és megszüntetésére kellene összpontosítania (McAuliffe és mtsai, 1986; Hubbard és Marsden, 1986;... more
Background and aims Extreme sports athletes are often labeled "adrenaline junkies" by the media, implying they are addicted to their sport. Research suggests during abstinence these athletes may experience withdrawal states... more
valutazione in relazione alle sue differenti sfac-cettature. A questo proposito, è stato suggerito un modello psicobiologico a tre vie in grado di differenziare nel craving tre componenti: reward (ricompensa), relief (sollievo) e... more
In this section, I discussed some issues about craving (tanha): its targets, some similar terms, and the fire metaphor. I also raise a question that all types of feeling can cause craving, even painful and neutral feelings. Why we people... more
Craving is a central issue in the care of people with problems due to the use of alcohol and other drugs, and is considered an inability to control the desire for consumption. However, there is no clear definition of this phenomenon. We... more
Craving is a feature of addiction with which addicted individuals and professionals working in the field are all too familiar. Counselors encourage their clients to identify the triggers which may lead to cravings and relapse. Strategies... more
Drogproblémás, drogfüggő fiatalok terápiájában Magyarországon szakemberek körében a kezdetektől fogva jelentős szerepet kapott a pszichoanalitikus megközelítés. E mű, évtizedes tapasztalatok sűrítménye, bevezeti az olvasót a különös... more
Background: The main aim of this study was to investigate, in alcohol-dependent (AD) patients, the use of the 5 emotion regulation strategies specified in Gross’s (1998, Rev Gen Psychol, 2, 271) process model of emotion regulation with... more
Bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder, and some forms of obesity are characterised by compulsive overeating that is often precipitated by food craving. Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) has been used to suppress food... more
In recent decades, researchers have integrated measurements of delay discounting, how the subjective valuation of a reward changes as a function of time, into their study of addiction. Research has begun to explore the idea that delay... more
valutazione in relazione alle sue differenti sfac-cettature. A questo proposito, è stato suggerito un modello psicobiologico a tre vie in grado di differenziare nel craving tre componenti: reward (ricompensa), relief (sollievo) e... more
An emerging approach in the addiction literature is to use neuroscientific data to predict addiction-related outcomes (e.g., relapse). Studies using this approach are grounded in process-level models of addiction, and thus leverage... more
Crohn's disease (CD) patients suffer from nutritional deficiencies when in active disease. We aim to examine calorific intake, macronutrient choice and disordered eating behaviour in patients with active CD. CD patients with matched... more
Observational studies have shown that attentional bias for smoking-related cues is associated with increased craving and relapse. Laboratory experiments have shown that manipulating attentional bias may change craving. Interventions to... more
Alexithymia is a multifaceted personality trait that involves difficulties in identifying and describing feelings to others, a poor fantasy life and an externally oriented cognitive style. Alexithymia has been described as a vulnerability... more
A common emotion regulation strategy, cognitive reappraisal, involves altering the meaning of a situation so that the emotional response to the situation is changed. Most research on reappraisal has focused on down-regulation of negative... more
To cite this article: Ali Ercan Altınöz, Selçuk Aslan, Mustafa Uğurlu, Kadir Özdel, Ahmet Emre Sargın & Mehmet Hakan Türkçapar (2016): Measuring the beliefs on alcohol craving by using craving beliefs questionnaire: preliminary results of... more
Se hace un estudio amplio del cocaetileno, como metabolito creado en el hígado, con graves efectos biopsicosociales, por consumo combinado de alcohol y cocaína.
Rumi's " Muhammad and the Huge Eater " is a story that tells us how obsessive desires devastate the soul and rob us of things of true value. This text appeared on my PM Press blog, Dec. 17, 2017.
In the last decade, gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) abuse and dependence have increased. It has been reported that GHB dependence has a high rate of relapse, serious complications of intoxication, and a potentially life-threatening withdrawal... more
Previous research has shown that stimulation of the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) enhances working memory (e.g. in the n-back task), and reduces craving for cigarettes and alcohol. Stimulation of the right inferior frontal... more