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First published in Peter Meineck and Paul Woodruff's Sophocles: Four Tragedies, this riveting translation by Peter Meineck of Sophocles' Philoctetes features a new Introduction by Paul Woodruff.
ाचीन भारतीय नाटक क लबी ृंखला को देख तो इन तमाम नाटक म यह बात सामाय तौर पर देखने को िमलती है क सभी म संकृत के साथ ाकृत भाषा समूह (िजसम मागधी, अधमागधी, आवंती, शौरसैनी, गांधारी, महाराी, वैदभ, पैशाची, ाय, बाहिलक, सकारी, चांडाली, सबरी, अभीरी,... more
Though the principles of the tragedy were first laid by Aristotle, they did not remain the same as the pens of Renaissance tragedians moved. The Greek model of tragedy has incorporated in itself some modifications over time, particularly... more
Dans les principales réflexions sur le statut du textuel au théâtre, on utilise le terme de « texte » pour désigner un ensemble d’objets qui n’en sont qu’au sens métaphorique. On parle ainsi volontiers de « représentation comme texte »,... more
Η εργασία αυτή εξετάζει μέσα από διάφορες λογοτεχνικές πηγές, αν η μη σωζόμενη τραγωδία "Αρχέλαος" του Ευριπίδη διδάχθηκε για πρώτη φορά στο αθηναϊκό κοινό ή στη Μακεδονία στην αυλή του ομώνυμου βασιλιά. This paper examines through... more
La référence aux « règles » du théâtre se généralise en France dans les années 1620-1630 et devient rapidement un topos de la critique de théâtre. Pour être bien faite, une pièce doit suivre des « règles », si elle n’est pas dans les «... more
While previous research has focused on the public discourse of wealth, little attention has thus far been paid to the perception of poverty and attitudes toward it in classical Athens. This book argues that a public discourse of poverty... more
This paper aims at delving into the play Medea in the light of Nietzsche’s views on tragedy expressed in his book The Birth of Tragedy. First, Nietzsche’s conception of Apollonian-Dionysiac duality will be explained, followed by a review... more
Lisa Landrum's paper "Modus Operandi of an Architectus Doli: Architectural Cunning in the Comic Plays of Plautus" appears as Chapter 15. Also in the book are essays by Karsten Harries, Marco Frascari, David Leatherbarrow, Kenneth... more
Local community participation in the revival of ancient theatres as venues in Greece shaped the dynamics of the cultural reception of inter-war performances at Delphi and Epidaurus. Here I analyse local involvement within and beyond the... more
Segones Jornades de Joves Investigadors en Estudis Humanístics. Master Universitari en Recerca Avançada en Estudis Humanístics. Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, 17-18 de juny de 2021 (en línia).
Die Gattungen des Sprechtheaters entstehen und verändern sich seit der Renaissance kontinuierlich in einem spannungsreichen Prozess der Erneuerung und der historischen Rekonstruktion. Einer re-konstruierenden Tendenz, die auf einen... more
Discussions of classical scholarship and of the Anglican church in Victorian England have both at times identified an ‘age of the Greek-play bishop’ during which there was a close relationship between classical distinction and episcopal... more
A review of two Turkish theatre revivals of classic plays, one ancient and one modern.