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Bangladesh like many other countries of the world is facing the adversities arising from climate change for no fault of its own. There is a growing concern all over the world on the issue of climate change and its adverse impact on... more
Approved by FEMA on April 2, 2014, the 2014 SHMP plan update continues to build on Louisiana's commitment to hazard mitigation. The State of Louisiana's vision was to produce a hazard mitigation plan that is an educational and easy to... more
El huracán del 59 es una reconstrucción de los daños originados por el meteoro más poderoso que impactó al estado de Colima en el siglo XX. En cuatro capítulo se plantean y contestan, entre otras, las siguientes preguntas: ¿cómo fue que... more
Este es un boletín que editamos con motivo del impacto del huracán Patricia en las costas de Colima y Jalisco los días 23 y 24 de octubre del año 2015, como parte de los trabajos colegiados entre integrantes de la REDESClim-Conacyt:... more
The devastating 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami caught millions of coastal residents and the scientific community off-guard. Subsequent research in the Indian Ocean basin has identified prehistoric tsunamis, but the timing and recurrence... more
Las personas están familiarizadas con las olas generadas por el viento y con las mareas, cuyos periodos de oscilación son del orden de segundos y horas, respectivamente. Este libro trata sobre el seiche costero, un evento de oscilación... more
Definition Coastal boundaries delimit a geographical space and are defined by the distances of one or more areas on the coast, the sea or on its interface, on the order of a few hundred meters to many kilometers, average. Coastal... more
The Meghna Estuary region of Bangladesh is a unique environment where the constant process of land formation and erosion takes place due to the complex interactions between large river discharge, enormous sediment load, strong tidal... more
In the present chapter, a critical review about various methodological frameworks used for establishing coastal risks is carried out. The following five aspects were taken into account for the analysis: (1) kinds of actual risks; (2)... more
Interest in the role that ecosystems play in reducing the impacts of coastal hazards has grown dramatically. Yet the magnitude and nature of their effects are highly context dependent, making it difficult to know under what conditions... more
Kabupaten Badung khususnya daerah Teluk Benoa merupakan salah satu daerah berisiko tinggi terhadap bahaya tsunami di Indonesia karena jika tsunami besar terjadi di wilayah Teluk Benoa dan sekitarnya akan membawa dampak yang parah pada... more
Executive Summary Geoscientific contributions to infrastructural development in the Geologically hazardous coastal environment at Lae in Papua New Guinea, are the subject of this joint Geological Survey of Papua New Guinea (GSPNG) /... more
by Zahra Akacha. MED-ONLINE. Revue géographique des pays méditerranéens / Journal of Mediterranean geography (2022) Environnements, paysages, risques La vulnérabilité de l'île de Jerba (Tunisie) aux risques littoraux : approche... more
Coastal zones are exposed to the continuous action of several factors such as wave height and direction, wind speed, water depth, sediment dynamics, relative sea level change, rainfall and storm surges. All these natural factors make... more
A review of 917 relative sea-level (RSL) data-points has resulted in the first quality-controlled database constraining the Holocene sea-level histories of the western Mediterranean Sea (Spain, France, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Malta and... more
Bangladesh, one of the most disaster-prone country in south Asian region experiences tropical cyclones, storm surges, coastal erosions and floods almost every year. Very recently, tropical cyclone ‚Roanu' has caused extreme devastation... more
The purpose of this study was to investigate and quantify trace metal concentrations in Commelina africana L. and psammitic sandflats from an intertidal coastal ecosystem in Niger Delta, Nigeria, and to evaluate their spatial... more
Human societies in coastal zones are arguably the populations most prone to the danger of geological hazards and the need to devise strategies to live with them. Not only do settlers in coastal zones confront, the major geological... more
Storm waves and tsunamis have been responsible for the movement and deposition of boulders located near or at a shore. Nott [1,2] proposed a set of formulas to calculate the minimum incident wave velocities required to dislodge... more
The present article debates on human-derived Landscape Degradation (LD) and sustainable development reviewing the main factors of soil and land degradation in northern Mediterranean peri-urban areas, taken as paradigmatic cases for Europe... more
The main purpose of this paper was to develop an Oil Spill Hazard Index (OSHI) concerning hydrocarbon maritime traffic. The subsequent aim is to evaluate this hazard index along the whole Italian coastline and waters. The OSHI processing... more
Assessing the impact of climate change requires analyzing humans generally, as well as identifying unique and elevated risks among subgroups. Incorporating intersectional approaches (e.g., those focused on issues of poverty, place, and... more
Understanding the tsunami cycle requires a simple method for identification of tsunami backwash deposits. This study investigates Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy followed by careful analysis of variance (ANOVA), Gaussian... more
This paper reviews mainly conceptual models and experimental work, in the field and in the laboratory, dedicated during the last decades to studying turbulence of breaking waves and bores moving in very shallow water and in the swash... more
""""Cocos Bay is a barrier beach under threat of marine erosion from the high energy environment of the Atlantic Ocean. This barrier beach borders the Ramsar listed Nariva Swamp, and helps maintain its delicate wetland ecosystem, however,... more
Although it is acknowledged that there has been an exponential growth in neocatastrophist geoscience inquiry, the extent, chronology and origin of this mode have not been precisely scrutinized. In this study, we use the bibliographic... more
Every year,hundreds of fires occur in the forests and rangelands across the world and damage thousands hectare of trees, shrubs, and plants which cause environmental and economical damages. This study aims to establish a real time forest... more
El presente artículo expone los resultados de tres proyectos de investigación que han permitido sistematizar la evidencia de la recurrencia de amenazas naturales y desastres ocurridos en el estado de Colima. Se describe el procedimiento... more
The vibrant ecosystem of Sunderbans with its lush green mangrove forest, various types of aquatic species including many rare endemic flora and fauna, birds, crocodiles and the famous Royal Bengal Tiger is a unique Biosphere Reserve.... more
Overtopping hazard at the beach of Gâvres (South Britanny) The consulting firms, DHI and GEOS, were commissioned by the DDE of the Morbihan to characterize overtopping hazard at the beach of Gâvres (South Britanny) in order to map the... more
We report the result of a 2010 survey of the effects on the Iranian coastline of the tsunami which followed the earthquake of 27 November 1945 (M0 = 2.8 9 1028 dyn cm; Mw = 8.2), the only large event recorded along the Makran subduction... more
Author Contributions: S.P. designed the study. S.W. led the landslide and tsunami modelling, while H.S. and A.S. prepared samples and shepherded radiometric dating. G.C. conducted the analysis of biota. F.M., F.B., and M.Ray. assisted in... more