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Public goods contrast with private goods. Pure public goods have the unique characteristics of non-excludability and non-rivalry in consumption while private goods are sold to those who can afford to pay the market price. The under-supply... more
This paper revisits the record of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) in the Philippines over its quartercentury existence. By 2014, it shall have accomplished 99 percent of its target—an impressive success for a government... more
... POLITICAL ECONOMY AND LAW AND ... By changing the name of his research programme to constitutional political economy Buchanan distanced himself from those parts of the public choice literature that remained too close to the... more
The events of 2016 in which the artist Peter Doig was sued in U.S. Federal Court for failing to authenticate an artwork for a speculative investor are emblematic of a view of the art world from the perspective of collectors and not... more
This classroom experiment introduces students to the concept of double marginalization, i.e. the exercise of market power at successive vertical layers in a supply chain. By taking on roles of firms, students determine how the mark-ups... more
In “The Problem of Social Cost” Ronald Coase was highly critical of the work of Cambridge University Economics Professor Arthur Cecil Pigou, presenting him as a radical government interventionist. In later work Coase’s critique of Pigou... more
To analyze the feasibility of applying the Coase Theorem, this article uses two traditional arguments, economic calculation and non-neutral effects, found in the Austrian literature. This article argues that the efficiency calculation a... more
В статията си" Проблемът на социалните разходи " Роналд Коуз критикува традицията на Пигу за справяне с отрицателните външни ефекти. Коуз предлага, когато са налице транзакционни разходи, правата на собственост да се дадат на страната,... more
After 50 years of artistic and popular acclaim, the world-famous Sidmouth Festival collapsed in 2004. Its management was unable to secure bad-weather underwriting worth £200,000, despite an alleged £5 million Festival contribution to the... more
Ronald H. Coase has made significant contributions to the development of the Law and economics approach as an economist. For this reason, the main purpose of this article is to examine Coase's methodology. With the help of his articles in... more
Approaches to economics which will be outlined are: (1) Neoclassical economics; (2) New institutional economics; (3) Behavioral or psychological economics; (4) Old or orthodox (conventional) institutional economics; and (5)... more
Ronald Coase, a famous economist from the Chicago School of Economics, is known as the father of New Institutional Economics (NIE). This new field of research was a significant innovation as it sought to analyse law and institutions... more
For at least fifty years economists have argued that vertically-aggregated marginal willingness to pay, when set equal to marginal provision cost, will result in optimal public good provision levels. This methodological approach would be... more
The ultimate goal of this paper is to derive inspiration from Coase Theorem and the Japanese model of Keiretsu to empower the producers and suppliers of fish – namely, the fisher folk and to place them at the centre stage of control of... more