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A API JDBC permite aos programas Java manipularem dados de uma base de dados. No entanto, a de�ni�c~ao da API n~ao prev^e uma utiliza�c~ao concorrente dos seus servi�cos, n~ao �e por isso poss��vel partilhar objectos JDBC em seguran�ca... more
Article, or exactly - chapter in the book - describes many multiprocessor architectures proposed and discovered by numerous researchers. This comprehensive survey begins on general remarks about images and processes necessary during their... more
Wait-free synchronization has been recognized in the literature as an effective concurrent programming technique. The concurrent programming community, however, has been slow to adopt this technique. This paper addresses the practical... more
ABSTRACT: For Romania, who has limited resources of capital on internal plan, foreign investments represent more than a necessity, foreign capital, besides the contribution to supplementation of financial resources of the country, having... more
Computer modeling and simulation is the art of bringing to life systems and behaviors that otherwise are prohibitively expensive, unethical, or just impossible to build. This article explains how to use SimPy, a Python-based discrete... more
The embedded software industry is in the midst of a major revolution. Tremendous amount of new development lies ahead. This new software needs an actual architecture that is safer, more extensible, and easier to understand than the usual... more
Databases are replicated to improve performance and availability. The notion of correctness that has commonly been adopted for concurrent access by transactions to shared, possibly replicated, data is serializability. However,... more
Mata kuliah sistem operasi merupakan salah satu mata kuliah wajib yang harus diajarkan kepada mahasiswa yang mengambil jurusan / program studi teknik informatika / sistem informasi / teknologi informasi. Mata kuliah ini memperkenalkan... more
In this paper, we describe a component-based software architecture for the Internet of Things in which proxies for Things and services that we call "accessors" interact with one another under a concurrent, time-stamped, discrete-event... more
"Call Level Interfaces (CLI) provide services aimed at easing the integration of database components and components from client applications. CLI support native SQL statements keeping this way expressiveness and performance of SQL. Thus,... more
A Chunk List is a new, concurrent, chunk-based data structure that is easily modifiable and allows for fast run-time operations.
Component-based software development offers a promising solution for taming the complexity found in today's distributed applications. Today's and future distributed software systems will certainly require combining heterogeneous software... more
This thesis explores how scientific applications, which are based upon short jobs (seconds and minutes) can capitalize upon the idle workstations of a Campus-Grid. These resources are donated on a voluntary basis, and consequently, the... more
Los computadores procesan información y toman decisiones. Hasta hace poco, las decisiones que tomaban no eran complejas, pero debido a los incesantes avances tecnológicos que se producen, los sistemas basados en inteligencia artificial... more
In this paper we survey, consolidate, and present the state of the art in distributed database concurrency control. The heart of our analysts is a decomposition of the concurrency control problem into two major subproblems: read-write and... more