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Presentation of this paper at the 2007 Conference on Computerized Adaptive Testing was supported in part with funds from GMAC®.
Australian universities. Citation of some research articles of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU, MGU) on environmental science and water science achievements (in 2020). Ostroumov S.A. Faculty of Biology, Moscow State... more
The citation of Aare Afe Babalola SAN, OFR, CON, LLD (London), LLD (Ado-Ekiti) presented at the University 34th Annual Foundation Lecture held on Wednesday 23rd June, 2016 by one of the University Orators - Mr. Jadesola Babatola
SUMMARY. The assessment of scholarship assumes a central role in the evaluation of individual faculty, educational programs and academic fields. Because the production and assessment of scholarship is so central to the faculty role, it is... more
Argentina´s patterns of publication in the humanities and social sciences were studied for the period 2003-2012, using the Scopus database and distinguishing the geographic realm of the research. The results indicate that “topics of... more ; Recent citations of publications of Moscow State University (selected; biology, ecology, environmental science); cited in U.S.A., Russia, China, Romania, Indonesia et al.; April 5, 2021. Country,... more
La traduction espagnole de citation, « cita », est un mot dont la polysémique stimule la réflexion. Du sens courant au sens technique que le terme recouvre en tauromachie, on aborde ici premièrement l’idée de citation par ce biais.... more
Az utóbbi években egyre több szó esik a tudományos teljesítmény méréséről. A publikáci-ók értékének számszerűsítéséhez elengedhetetlen az azokat megjelentető folyóiratok ösz-szehasonlítása, rangsoruk felállítása. A folyóiratrangsorok... more
Resumo: Este trabalho tem como objetivo discutir sobre a citação no texto acadêmico-científico. Argumentamos em favor da necessidade de reivindicar o citar em sua dimensão dialógica, partindo do pressuposto de que o olhar concebido pelos... more
h-index retrieved by citation indexes (Scopus, Google scholar, and Web of Science) is used to measure the scientific performance and the research impact studies based on the number of publications and citations of a scientist. It also is... more
Περίληψη Στο κείμενο αυτό εξετάζεται η αντιφατικότητα της διαδικασίας περαιτέρω υπαγωγής της επιστήμης και της παιδείας στο κεφάλαιο, με έμφαση στις θεσμικές προεκτάσεις αυτής της υπαγωγής. Αναδεικνύεται το περιεχόμενο, οι μορφές και οι... more
2007. La Real Academia Española dice que la nota a pie de página es una “advertencia, explicación, comentario o noticia de cualquier clase, que en impresos o manuscritos va fuera del texto”. Está bien. Pero las notas al pie tienen algo... more
The rate of scientific literature has been increased in the past few decades; new topics and information is added in the form of articles, papers, text documents, web logs, and patents. The growth of information at rapid rate caused a... more
Citation, as an integral part of academic discourse and a signature feature of scholarly publication, has attracted much research attention. Previous research, however, has focused on several aspects of citation practices in a largely... more
Il libro segreto di Marc Bloch Si tratta di due taccuini ritrovati nell'archivio privato del grande storico francese e mai pubblicati: questa è la prima edizione in esclusiva mondiale (nel testo originale e con gli apparati editoriali in... more
In Mad for Foucault, feminist and queer theorist Lynne Huffer returns to the early work of Michel Foucault – specifically History of Madness, first published in France in 1961—in an attempt both to re-evaluate the ways in which queer... more
Citation counts take years to accumulate but you can help boost your citations in a number of different ways. Here are my tips and strategies that I personally use and that I know work. It probably goes without saying that the more you... more
At Chalcatzingo, Mexico, an early regional center, the common location for burials was under house floors, but some high-status burials occurred in more open spaces. These latter were also residential burials, interred within the landed... more
Measuring the impact of a research publication is a vital factor in the scholarly world. Citation count is a single dimension of measuring the impact of a scholarly publication. However, the evolution of the Internet has changed the ways... more
O texto tem por objeto as normas técnicas da ABNT exigíveis para a apresentação de trabalhos acadêmicos. Seus objetivos principais são sistematizar e analisar essas normas, indicando também, em notas de rodapé, como formatar os textos... more
L'idée que je défendrai dans ce travail est que l'image a la capacité de prédiquer et de nier. En ce qui concerne la prédication - qui est le point de départ pour concevoir la négation par l'image -, plusieurs études ont démontré que... more
Profitant de l’apparente quiétude d’une après-midi ensoleillée, un homme et une femme se promènent dans un parc. Au fil des sentiers, à travers les arbres, leurs pas les conduisent devant l’installation, destinée aux promeneurs, d’une... more
"The opening and closing of spaces has been extensively documented at an ethnographic level in the Andes. At the archaeological level however, we have numerous examples of the first type and not many testimonies of abandon of a particular... more
Starting from the point that Louis Zukofsky and Objectivism are already anachronisms in literary history, the essay tracks some of the consequencesof that for a materialist reading of the poems, especially the epic “A”. If anepic is a... more
Como ocurre con la mayor parte de los elementos pragmáticos, la cortesía verbal cumple una función esencial en la elusión de los efectos no deseados de los actos amenazadores de la imagen, lo cual permite que se establezca una... more
Citation of book - U.S., Italy, Russia, Canada, Portugal, et al. - Yablokov A.V., Ostroumov S.A. Conservation of Living Nature and Resources: Problems, Trends, Prospects. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, London, Paris, Tokyo, Hong Kong,... more ; SWEDEN: Ecology publications (water quality, water self-purification, role of biodiversity) of Moscow University were cited recently. The citation was made in the publication (thesis): [PDF] What is... more
New citations of MSU, Ukraine cited book "Biological effects of surfactants", and article "Influence of Some Amphyphilic Substances and Mixtures on Marine Mollusks", authored by S.Ostroumov, Moscow State University (MSU). 2019;... more
Links to ecology articles on, recommended, well-cited research results; environmental science, biology, water, citation, top publications, research papers in reviewed journals; ;... more
This article examines Vasilii Rozanov’s autobiographical practices by analyzing previously unnoticed aspects of his engagement with Fedor Dostoevsky’s works. Rozanov’s fascination with Dostoevsky is hardly a secret, and his contemporaries... more
This presentation was presented at the Iloilo Medical and Allied Health Consortium (IMAHC) for Libraries Lecture-Forum last September September 26, 2016, at St. Paul University, Iloilo City, Philippines.
Background: Academic collaboration is sharing the expertise، resources and abilities by researchers. This study examined academic collaboration among the authors of articles published in Iranian English language journals of ministry of... more
La crédibilité de Wikipédia repose en grande partie sur le référencement de ses contenus. Les articles de cette encyclopédie collaborative intègrent donc des références bibliographiques. Nous proposons ici une synthèse des travaux sur... more
Philosophical theories of scientific progress are typically disconnected from citation data because a citation to a paper does not necessarily justify the content of the cited paper. Citation data can however be used to test whether... more
There is evidence to support the hypothesis that the music theory anthology now housed in the British Library as Harley 281 was a product of the vision of Gui of St Denis. This early 14th century anthology is presented in chronological... more
The study compared the plagiarism norms and practices among pre-university, diploma and degree students. The specific aspects examined were perceived necessity to include citations in assignments, preferred penalties for plagiarism, and... more
Using the Scopus dataset (1996-2007) a grand matrix of aggregated journal-journal citations was constructed. This matrix can be compared in terms of the network structures with the matrix contained in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) of... more