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Odour detection thresholds, that we have previously obtained, have been analysed by a general equation for selective transport. It is shown that such selective transport can account for some 77% of the total effect. The remainder is due... more
Gurmarin (Gur) is a peptide that selectively suppresses responses of the chorda tympani nerve to sweet substances in rats and mice. In the present study, we examined the effect of Gur on behavioral responses to sweet substances in C57BL... more
The European eel lives most of its life in fresh water but reproduces in sea water. Thus, we hypothesize that eel uses olfaction to sense environmental salinity and is consequently involved in physiological processes such as... more
Many classifications of odors have been proposed, but none of them have yet gained wide acceptance. Odor sensation is usually described by means of odor character descriptors. If these semantic profiles are obtained for a large diversity... more
Despite the fact that humans experiencemixtures of odors and tastes each time they eat, little is known of their capacity to detect the individual components of foods. To investigate this capacity, 43 subjects were trained to identify... more
Perception of odours can provoke explicit reactions such as judgements of intensity or pleasantness, and implicit output such as skin conductance or heart rate variations. The main purpose of the present experiment was to ascertain: (i)... more
Two studies were conducted to examine the nature of the verbal labels that describe emotional effects elicited by odors. In Study 1, a list of terms selected for their relevance to describe affective feelings induced by odors was assessed... more
Despite considerable research investigating the role of 6-n-propylthiouracil bitterness perception and variation of fungiform papillae density in food perception, this relationship remains controversial as well as the association between... more
The central gustatory pathways are part of the brain circuits upon which rest the decision to ingest or reject a food. The quality of food stimuli, however, relies not only on their taste but also on properties such as odor, texture and... more
His early work was dedicated to the study of olfaction, and more especially (but not only!) to the influence of hormonal status and particularly sex hormones on variations in olfactory sensitivity. The originality of his approach and the... more