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Egypt has increased cement production from 4 million tons in 1975 to 46 million tons in 2009, and now accounts for around 1.5% of global cement production. Dust emissions contribute about 6% of the PM 10 in Greater Cairo reaching as much... more
The paper presents the use of Solid Recovered Fuels (SRF) in Chelm Cement Plant (Poland). These types of fuels are produced from non-hazardous waste and can be used for energy recovery in waste co-combustion plants. They are much cheaper... more
The chapter discusses the problem of air emissions of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/PCDFs) from the process of cement clinker production. In the analyzed cement kilns significant amount of fossil fuels is... more
Cement is used as a construction material in Sri Lanka. It is made with calcined lime and clay. Alumina, silica and iron oxide are the main substance of the clay. In Sri Lanka, the demand for cement is high in the building and... more
Thermal activation of Ga’ara kaolin is used to produce a good quality metakaolin. Portland cement clinker is ground and blended with 3% gypsum. In this study, two types of mixes are made: the first using 10% hydrated lime and different... more
Abstract: Cement industry contributes to 5% of global CO2 emissions. To mitigate pollution, there is a need of CO2 sequestration into stable forms. Present research focusses on CO2 being channelized towards an important construction... more
Abstact : The use of alternative fuels as co-processing application in Indonesia have been used by some of the cement industry in Indonesia. Alternative fuels that have been used there are, rice husk biomass, used tires, waste oil, solid... more
The iron-steel and cement sectors are essential elements of the global economy and also significant greenhouse gas (GHG) emitters. The most important GHG emission sources of the industrial processes and product use (IPPU) sector in Turkey... more
A partir de su puesta en funcionamiento en el año 1909, la industria del cemento ha sido una de las actividades económicas fundamentales en Venezuela. Este artículo expone la evolución histórica de la producción y empleo del cemento y el... more
Cement industry is known to be an energy-intensive, one which consumes considerable amount of energy during the production process. In the present industrial scenario, importance is given to the energy-intensive sectors, in terms of use... more
A indústria cimenteira é uma das mais fundamentais para a economia mundial, movimentando aproximadamente US$ 250 bilhões de dólares/ano. Porém, seu processo produtivo consome grandes quantidades de combustíveis e eletricidade.... more
CAPITOLO 1 - TESI DI LAUREA relativa al sito denominato "I FORNI DE TREGNAGO", ovvero il cementificio di Tregnago nella provincia di Verona di fondazione di inizio '900, abbandonato negli anni'60. Nel primo capitolo di questa tesi viene... more
training about burning system in cement industry by mr. Yulius Pamungkas
This is a paper about installation of rotary kiln bricks from RHI AG
The cement industry is the most energy-intensive industrial sector in Morocco (69 kep for each ton of production in 2015). To cope with this increase, industrialists have every interest in reducing their energy consumption for significant... more
Pemilihan lokasi PT Semen Gresik, Tbk. Pabrik Tuban mengacu pada kedekatan pabrik dengan bahan baku (raw material oriented), dimana bahan baku utama yaitu batu kapur dan tanah liat di sekitar lokasi pabrik memiliki kualitas yang baik... more
Semen portland komposit merupakan bahan pengikat hidrolisis yang berasal dari hasil penggilingan bersama-sama terak semen portland dan gypsum dengan satu atau lebih bahan anorganik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh... more
Cement is an important element for a nation's economy as this binder is a building material used for infrastructure and property development. As such, cement sales gives valuable information about savings and investment in a country.... more
Air pollution is a major problem in Bangladesh. Cement industries are one of the most top contributors to GDP. They produce a lot of pollution in the environment. Local manufacturers do not maintain the requirement of the Department of... more
Çalışmanın ilk bölümünde, portföy​ seçiminde önemli iki faktör olan Beklenen Getiri ve Risk değerleri incelenmiştir. İkinci bölümünde, portföy riskinin dağıtılmasında Geleneksel Portföy Yönetimi Yaklaşımı ve Modern Portföy Teorisi sözel... more
Many major African cities are currently experiencing a construction boom, creating a strong demand for inputs such as bricks, tiles, concrete and cement. Observers have therefore attributed a large potential for the creation of employment... more
We conduct the first valuation of HOM-Hoang Mai Cement JSC, listed on the HNX. By using the discounted cash flow method and the comparative method, we determine the target price of HOM stock is VND4,480 / share, 24% higher than the... more
Stream flow rates and their several compositions are measured in a typical cement raw mill separator. In order to simultaneously reconcile flow and composition measurements in this circuit, the component mass balances was included as... more
Cement production is an energy and carbon-intensive process. Hence, they are a noteworthy contributor to global anthropogenic CO 2 emissions. The cement industry has always been among the greatest CO 2 discharge sources with 900 kg CO 2... more
The present paper describes the integration of oxygen membranes in cement plants both from an energy, exergy and economic point of view. Different configurations for oxygen enrichment of the tertiary air for combustion in the pre-calciner... more
This present work aims to valorize a solid waste produced by the cement kiln,such asthe cement kiln dust (CKD) generated from the cement plant of Amran-Yemen during the production of cement.Which we substituted the clinker (cement) by the... more
The purpose of this paper is to measure the level of related party transaction disclosures and to examine the factors that aect the disclosures of related party transactions from the perspective of the Bangladeshi listed cement companies... more
Cement industry is one of the most important industries which plays a significant role in the development and prosperity of any country and worldwide. On the other hand, cement factories are among the major environmental plights and... more
We conduct the initial valuation of BTS shares-VICEM But Son Cement, listed on Hanoi Stock Exchange. By using discounted cash flow method and mutiples valuation, we determine the target price of BTS share is VND 3,500 / share, 20% lower... more
The cement industry is a significant contributor to anthropogenic CO 2. For China, the cement industry is crucial for development, considering the surging urbanization. CO 2 emissions from the industry are detrimental to the planet, its... more
Chúng tôi tiến hành định giá lần đầu cổ phiếu BTS-CTCP Xi măng Bút Sơn, niêm yết trên sàn HNX. Bằng cách sử dụng phương pháp chiết khấu dòng tiền và phương pháp so sánh, chúng tôi xác định giá mục tiêu cổ phiếu BTS là 5.100 đồng/cp, cao... more
As it stands right now, the Ethiopian Cement Industry has multiple challenges ranging from operational inefficiency, insufficient demand leading to under capacity utilization, lack of innovation and strategic thinking, weak cooperation,... more
The potential applicability of several biopolymers, including xanthan gum, diutan gum, acacia gum, modified starch, guar gum and a cellulosic polymer, for maintaining the solid particles of a particulate grout in suspension has been... more
El integrar sistemas en la industria cementera es un requerimiento inminente, para lograrlo es necesario disponer de las herramientas metodológicas idóneas. El objetivo del artículo se orienta a proponer un marco metodológico que... more