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The infrastructure of the original Guapo river dam project at El Guamito site (Miranda state, Venezuela), built and commissioning during the 1975-1977 period, collapsed in December 1999 as a result of the extraordinary rains observed at... more
Lake Burrumbeet, which is located in the basalt plains of western Victoria, Australia, has a much lower salinity than other lakes in the region. To determine the factors causing the freshness of this water body, an assessment was carried... more
Water quality assessment for water resource protection and management is key towards sustainable provision of potable water supply and in meeting sustainable development goals (SDGs) linked to clean water and sanitation. The spatial and... more
The Metropolis of Manila has poor wastewater management practices which costs the economy around AUD$ 2 Billion per year, results in around a third of all recorded illnesses and has left the rivers biologically dead. However, with a... more
El propósito fundamental de este trabajo es caracterizar las variables físico-naturales, biológicas y socio-económicas de la micro-cuenca de drenaje de la quebrada Charallave, con la finalidad de establecer su situación ambiental. La... more
Flood modelling and mapping typically entail flood frequency estimation, hydrodynamic modelling and inundation mapping, which require specific datasets that are often unavailable in developing regions due to financial, logistical,... more
During the second half of the 20th century farming systems in hilly and mountainous areas of Mediterranean Europe were progressively abandoned and the forest cover subsequently re-expanded. This paper investigates the environmental... more
For determining of Muskingum model coefficients, requires to an output hydrograph. Such hydrograph is not available in most rivers. In this research, the Muskingum's new coefficients are determined by the method that which is not require... more
Potential (ETp) and actual (ETr) evapotranspiration for different land uses in a watershed in southern Brazil Evapotranspiration can be determined by direct or indirect methods, and its verification is performed by comparison with the... more
The scientific initiative Prediction in Ungauged Basins (PUB) (2003–2012 by the IAHS) put considerable effort into improving the reliability of hydrological models to predict flow response in ungauged rivers. PUB’s collective experience... more
ArcAPEX is an ArcGIS-based user interface designed to automate the input parameterization of the Agricultural Policy Environmental eXtender (APEX) hydrologic/water quality model. The interface integrates topographic, land use, and soil... more
Water flow and water quality changes in surface water bodies due to climate change is a major problem worldwide, typically in river ecosystems. To address these issues, proper monitoring of river flow variations and water quality is... more
Mounding often occurs beneath engineering structures designed to infiltrate reuse water. AQTESOLV software and a spreadsheet solution for Hantush, together with soil moisture water balance (SWAGMAN farm model), were used for... more
Los abanicos aluviales morfodinámicamente activos que han sido construidos por depósitos torrenciales, representan áreas altamente inestables, cuyas condiciones definen escenarios de amenaza para las poblaciones asentadas sobre ellos. Se... more
Fluoride levels higher than the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended levels of 1.5 mg/l have to raise serious health issues. Therefore fluoride contamination is a pertinent matter that calls for concern by all people and government... more
Il rilievo dell’umidità degli strati più superficiali del suolo alla scala di campo, ossia in pixel di dimensioni nell’ordine degli ettari, è sempre più diffuso grazie alla disponibilità di sensori di ultima generazione. Tuttavia, le... more
Con base en eventos registrados de movimientos en masa y crecidas, ocurridos en la cuenca del río San Julián y activados por lluvias extraordinarias, se realizó una caracterización hidroclimatológica y morfométrica del sistema, como... more
The allocation of groundwater resources has been a challenge for many years due to its unforeseen side effect and lag time issues, which are often overlooked. The full impact of groundwater utilization/abstraction takes time to realize... more
La microcuenca de drenaje de la quebrada Curucutí se ubica en la vertiente norte del Macizo del Ávila (10º33’08”-10º36’23” LN y 66º57’38”-66º59’14” LO), en el sector centro occidental del estado Vargas (Venezuela). Este pequeño sistema... more
La microcuenca de drenaje de la quebrada Curucutí se ubica en la vertiente norte del Macizo del Ávila (10º33’08"-10º36’23" LN y 66º57’38"-66º59’14" LO), en el sector centro occidental del estado Vargas (Venezuela). Este sistema fue una de... more
A method is presented to analyze the interaction between groundwater and Lake Linlithgow (Australia) as a case study. A simplistic approach based on a " node " representing the groundwater component is employed in a spreadsheet of water... more
Catchment flood response consists of multiple components of flow generated by the heterogeneity of catchment surface. This study proposes an analytical framework built upon the Viglione et al. (2010a) to assess the dependence of catchment... more
La microcuenca de la quebrada Curucutí se ubica en la vertiente norte del Macizo del Ávila (10º33’08” – 10º36’23” LN y 66º57’38” – 66º59’14” LO), en el sector centro occidental del estado Vargas. El propósito de este trabajo es determinar... more
Entre otros diversos aspectos, el evento de aludes torrenciales de Diciembre de 1999 evidenció a partir de los volúmenes de sedimentos depositados por éstos y la severidad de los daños causados, con diferencias notorias entre distintos... more
Entre las causas naturales que determinan condiciones de inestabilidad y, en consecuencia, detonan la activación de deslizamientos en los sectores de colinas en la ciudad de Portoviejo, tenemos: (a) una litología predominantemente... more
Los abanicos aluviales morfodinámicamente activos que han sido construidos por depósitos torrenciales, representan áreas altamente inestables y de amenaza para las poblaciones asentadas sobre ellos. Se analizan las características... more
Los aludes ocurridos en Diciembre de 1999 en el estado Vargas, y el deslizamiento generado (2010) en el sector La Chara (San Julián, parroquia Caraballeda), dejó en evidencia la susceptibilidad del medio físico en la cuenca del río San... more
La microcuenca de la quebrada Curucutí se ubica en la vertiente norte del macizo del Ávila (10º33’08” – 10º36’23” LN y 66º57’38” – 66º59’14” LO), en el sector centro occidental del estado Vargas. El propósito de este trabajo es determinar... more
El propósito de este trabajo es evaluar la amenaza hidrogeomorfológica en las microcuencas de las quebradas Catuche, Anauco y Gamboa y del río Cotiza, y en particular la generación de crecidas torrenciales. La metodología comprendió:... more
El propósito fundamental de este estudio es caracterizar y analizar algunos aspectos del clima y la hidrología de la cuenca de la quebrada Charallave, la cual se localiza en la parte suroccidental del estado Miranda (10°08'15" - 10°18'20"... more
Ancestral Pueblo communities of the central Mesa Verde region (CMVR) became increasingly reliant on agriculture for their subsistence needs during Basketmaker III (BMIII) through Terminal Pueblo III (TPIII) (AD 600–1300) periods.... more
Debris flows are a moving mass composed from water and solids mixture, mainly in form of sediments, with a high destructive power. The debris volume that is transported and deposited outside the drainage system of a watershed has a great... more
A 46 year period (1961 to 2006) long-term sediment yield in Kinta River basin, Perak was analysed for its trends. The dynamic changes of sediment yield were based on total annual sediment discharge from seven hydrological stations... more
Groundwater from a shallow unconfined aquifer at a site in coastal New South Wales has been causing recent water logging issues. A trend of rising groundwater level has been anecdotally observed over the last 10 years. It was not clear... more
La microcuenca de drenaje de la quebrada Curucutí se ubica en la vertiente norte del Macizo del Ávila (10º33’08”-10º36’23” LN y 66º57’38”-66º59’14” LO), en el sector centro occidental del estado Vargas (Venezuela). Este pequeño sistema... more
Increasing pressures on water quality due to intensification of agriculture have increased the need for environmental modelling to accurately simulate the movement of diffuse (nonpoint) nutrients in catchments. As hydrological flows drive... more
The genetic diversity of feral and ranch American mink was studied in order to detect gene flux among rivers, investigate the processes of invasion, and determine the possible effects of river barriers. Tissue samples of 78 feral American... more
Las características morfológicas del relieve y la cuantificación morfométrica de sus magnitudes son elementos esenciales para la interpretación de la influencia de este en la dinámica hidrogeomorfológica de cuencas de drenaje en ambientes... more
The hydrological component of the soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) model is adapted for two Ethiopian catchments based on primary knowledge of the coherence spectrum between rainfall and stream flow data. Spectrum analysis using the... more
Las intensas y prolongadas precipitaciones registradas durante los días 14, 15 y 16 de Diciembre de 1999 que afectaron principalmente la vertiente norcaribeña de la Serranía del Ávila, constituyeron el efecto “gatillo” que determinó el... more