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In addition to the over fifty complete translations of Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy listed on the website of the German Dante Society (see chapter 7), there are numerous partial translations from the 18th century onwards, among them... more
Seguendo una suggestione di Karl Löwith, secondo il quale: «l’antropologia diviene filosofica solamente con questa enorme domanda che riguarda il rapporto dell’uomo con il mondo», queste pagine prendono a tema l’eclettica figura di Carl... more
Articula-se o conceito de Stimmung (estado de ânimo; atmosfera; caráter) à solidão, condição por vezes necessária à sintonia do ser com o mundo envolvente. As bases de interpretação teórico-metodológicas se circunscrevem em discursos... more
The landscape became a central theme in art and scientific criticism, mainly from the second half of 18th century, when Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten had signed Aesthetics as the “science of sensitivity”. Among these works, it is situated... more
"«Di maggiore importanza per lo sviluppo della sua mente e dell’indirizzo della sua cultura fu la circostanza della sua dimora di alcuni anni in Germania, a Monaco e ad Erlangen, dove frequentò le rispettive università in qualità di... more
The conservative thinker Eric Voegelin is frequently credited for being one of the first critics of racism. This is all the more surprising as one of the books such opinion refers to was produced by a publisher with close ties to National... more
Sobre Carl Gustav Carus: Carl Gustav Carus nasceu em 3 de janeiro de 1789 na cidade alemã de Leipzig. Seu pai, August Gottlob Carus, veio de uma família de comerciantes dedicada à tinturaria. Para receber uma melhor educação, o pai de... more
Best known for his atmospheric landscapes featuring contemplative figures silhouetted against night skies and morning mists, Caspar David Friedrich (1774–1840) came of age alongside a German Romantic philosophical movement that saw nature... more
Die vorliegende Monographie führt an die Ursprünge von Skacels mährischem Sentiment, an die Verwurzelung seiner Lyrik in den Tiefen von Sprache, Lied und Volksdichtung heran, umreißt aber auch seinen Platz in der Dichtung der... more
La puerta es un signo de la interacción entre el ser humano y el espacio en que se encuentra. Las diferentes representaciones de la puerta en la historia de la pintura, muestran rasgos del gusto de sus autores y sus respectivos contextos... more
Best known for his atmospheric landscapes featuring contemplative figures silhouetted against night skies and morning mists, Caspar David Friedrich (1774–1840) came of age alongside a German Romantic philosophical movement that saw nature... more