Recent papers in Caesar
Abstract This article examines the longstanding rivalry of Rome and Parthia, which began as an unintended consequence of Crassus’ decisive defeat at Carrhae in 53 BCE. It synthesizes the accounts and opinions of numerous Graeco-Roman... more
Publicado en Gerión 7, 1989, págs. 149-205, con figs. y láms.N.B.- Por un incomprensible error editorial, sus tres mapas explicativos con mis propuestas, el general sobre el territorio emeritense (fig. 1) y los de detalle de sus... more
Caesar’s geographies of Gallia and Britannia as set out in the Bellum Gallicum differ in kind, the former being “descriptive” and much indebted to the techniques of Roman land surveying, the latter being “scientific” and informed by the... more
A CIP catalog record for this book has been applied for at the Library of Congress.
Mi sono occupato della figura di Scipione nell'ambito del dibattito cinquecentesco e primo-secentesco su quale sia stato il più grande generale della storia (dibattito di lunga tradizione, risalendo già a Tito Livio). Oltre che su opere... more
The present chapter traces how the rabbis in the tractate of Hagigah developed the biblical commands concerning cultic pilgrimage into laws for a bygone Jerusalem temple pilgrimage to see and be seen by God. Our investigation points to... more
The article aims to reconcile Suetonius’ evidence about 6000 talents Caesar received “in his own name and that of Pompey” from Ptolemy for the latter’s establishment on the throne of Egypt, and Plutarch’s evidence that at the moment of... more
Als im Frühjahr 2010 die archäologischen Forschungen der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz in Hermeskeil begannen, ließ sich kaum absehen, dass mit diesen Arbeiten ein Kapitel der Weltgeschichte im Fokus stehen würde. Zwar war ein... more
On the basis of «The Achievements of the Divine Augustus» the author analyses the significance of the legacy of populares, one of the main political movements in the Late Republic, in the politics of Emperor Augustus. The main features of... more
et FrançoiS WIbLé lauSanne 2012 car 134 archaeoLogia vaLLesiana 10 La vaLorisation des sites archéoLogiques La vaLorisation des sites archéoLogiques Q uelles sont les solutions mises en oeuvre pour préserver et valoriser le patrimoine... more
This is a very integral paper to human history. It is not only a history detailing the reason for the fall of the Republic (and thus the Empire), it is a complete history of Rome itself. Moreover, it represents Cicero's view of the... more
Sondierungsgrabungen einer bislang unbekannten Schanze erbrachten erste Hinweise auf eine Interpretation als caesarisches Militärlager. Dieses liegt im strategischen Umfeld des treverischen Oppidums "Hunnenring" von Otzenhausen.... more
Was Valerius Maximus Publicola (Emp. Marcian's father), aka Pope Anastasius I? Before you decide, read this paper and my other papers on the popes. Every pope who I have written a paper about has had the same common ancestor - Arrius... more
La storia di San Cesario (o Cesareo) diacono e martire di Terracina
Suétone énumère parmi les projets de Caligula qu'il considère dignes d'un prince celui de fonder une ville au sommet des Alpes et oppose ce projet aux actes qui fi rent de lui un monstre (Vie de Caligula, 21). Contrevenant à l'idée reçue... more
This article deals with those cities in Anatolia, which Caesar and Augustus founded colonies in, and it considers the question of whether Greek poleis subsisted alongside the colonies. +++ With respect to the Caesarian colonization proof... more
Olivier Devillers et Breno Battistin Sebastiani (éd.), Sources et modèles des historiens anciens, 2, Ausonius Editions, Bordeaux, 2021, p. 307-326.
OpenEdition :
OpenEdition :
Le indagini stratigrafiche dell’Università di Padova presso il Tempio romano di Nora sono state accompagnate da una revisione dei dati d’archivio relativi agli scavi degli anni Cinquanta del Novecento. Lo studio ha consentito di... more
Deze tekst is een samenvatting van enkele hoofdstukken uit Deel II: Caesar tegen de Oude Belgen dat grotendeels gewijd is aan de strijd van CAESAR tegen de Aduatuci en de Eburones. We gaan ondermeer op zoek naar het Oppidum Aduatucorum,... more
At Cleopatra's banquet in Lucan's book 10 Caesar asks the Egyptian Acoreus to reveal the source of the Nile but receives a lengthy, evasive reply on the planetary influences on the Nile, on theories of its flood, and on its course through... more
Resumen: El siguiente trabajo analiza, tanto desde un punto de vista arqueológico como histórico, ciertos aspectos del poblamiento rural en época bajoimperial romana y tardoantigua entre las localidades de Mérida y Alange (Badajoz). Se... more
Full article: The definition of 'elegantia' covers most of what critics, ancient... more
Plutarch, Cicero and the Bobbio scholiast tell us that the censor of 65 BCE, Marcus Crassus, supported a law about the annexation of Egypt, but he failed because of the opposition of the optimates. Suetonius, however, tells us that it was... more
The classics in the Italian writer Alfredo Panzini (1863-1939). Draft of the paper "Leggere Panzini rileggere i classici: classicità e attualità in romanzi dello scrittore di Bellaria", published in "Panzini scrittore europeo", a cura di... more
The paper analyzes Cicero’s hints at the “architects” of Servilius Rullus’ agragian bill of 63 B.C.E., hostile to Pompey, and makes an attempt to identify these persons and their aims. The author argues that Crassus and Caesar stood... more
At the end of the Gallic Wars in 52 BC Caesar led his legions to the hilltop town of Alesia in Burgundy; inside were over 80,000 Gallic soldiers and civilians commanded by the charismatic leader Vercingetorix. The Roman's decided to... more
The paper addresses the history of excavations of the largest Roman tomb, the Mausoleum of the Emperor Caesar Augustus. The author focuses on the results of recent archaeological activities and how they have transformed the perception of... more