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As Buddhism travelled to the East, so did its languages. Sanskrit, and even some texts in Prakrits like Gāndhārī gradually found their way into China. But these sacred texts did not contain mere narratives—they also had mantras—potent... more
В тибетской традиции Стослоговая мантра Ваджрасаттвыв различных вариациях посвящена разным божествам.Существуют вариации Стослоговой мантры Ваджрасаттвы, Херуки, Ямантаки, Падмасаттвы и других божеств. Есть другая мантра, носящая схожее... more
By becoming aware of awareness we can experience the innermost sense or the felt sense of spaciousness and self-illumination. Within this state of open awareness, the openness of spacious luminous awareness, we can enter the experience of... more
This article discusses a unique Chan practice in the late Ming and early Qing known as ‘regarding mantras as Chan words,’ in particular the usage of mantras as the huatou (critical terms) in Chan meditation. This article investigates the... more