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TreKker is an intervention model designed for students which aims to develop the individual as an integrated whole. This model was created to be used as a framework for individual skills development in an academic environment. As a result... more
Modern globalisation processes, the rapid entry of Russia into the world community, have given more opportunities to interact with various ethnic groups ranging from short-term tourist and business contacts to complex processes of... more
As a signatory of the Bologna Declaration since 2003, Bosnia and Herzegovina has committed to restructure its education system. Today Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) has a very complex constitutional and administrative system which consists... more
This article aims to analyse variances between some emerging projections for the master degree at high policy level and the diverse interpretations and forms observed in its implementation in the aftermath of the Bologna Process reforms.... more
Russia, due to its unique location simultaneously in Europe and Asia, has more than three centuries of higher education cooperation with the European states. The role of higher education cooperation has been defined by the changes in... more
The increasing mobility due to Bologna process forces the academic partners to increase the inter-operability of their administrative processes, by interacting through a collaborative networks and therefore acting as an academic virtual... more
The chapter sheds light on the construction of a European higher education policy. Beginning with the historical context, we stress the importance of the intellectual and political climate that has led EU member states to reconsider their... more
Cet ouvrage propose une analyse des processus qui ont conduit, en septembre 2014, à l’obligation pour tous les établissements d’enseignement supérieur belges francophones de définir des acquis d’apprentissage pour chacun de leurs... more
Higher education has been affected by a number of changes in the past decade, including higher rates of participation, internationalisation, the growing importance of knowledge-led economies and increased global competition. These changes... more
What is the Bologna Process? Has it been a success or failure in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) in particular, and in Europe more generally? The question, asked time and again, is persistently misconstrued. This explains to a large... more
Abstract In this paper the authors argue that the use of the Open Method of Coordination (OMC) in the implementation of the Bologna process presents coor-dination problems that do not allow for the full coherence of the results. As the... more
Transition of higher design education to a multilevel system of education requires a gradual restructuring of the existing system of higher education, not only due to the difference between the systems of training, but also a marked... more
Эта книга, написанная коллективом авторов, предназначена в первую очередь для профессорско-преподавательского состава, управленцев в области образования, а также политиков в бывших социалистических странах Европы и Азии, которые... more
The paper argues that the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) is currently experiencing a crisis of academic freedom and discusses the need to chart a course out of this crisis. The paper claims that the crisis, with its two dimensions... more
This chapter explores the nature and functions of learning outcomes in the context of the Bologna educational reforms. Section 1 explains what they are and where they originate. Section 2 explores their practical application and multiple... more
The paper analyses employability as a floating signifier – a construct that accommodates different and often contending meanings. A preliminary analysis of scholarly literature identifies two opposed interpretations of employability – an... more
Mit der Expansion der Hochschulbildung sollte diese als alleiniges Merkmal an Bedeutung für Arbeitsmarkterträge einbüßen, während Differenzierungen innerhalb der Hochschulbildung, zum Beispiel Studienleistungen und Abschlussniveaus,... more
Il libro che scopre l’ispirazione di Mary Shelley per il suo Frankenstein da parte di un professore bolognese. Non solo, ma anche storie di vampiri, chiamati anche “revenant”, ovvero coloro che tornano. Morti per morte violenta o dalle... more
Abstract: In the last decade architecture and urbanism research has been gaining an important role in the national research framework according to the increasingly numbers of R&D projects financed by regional and national governments,... more
In 1999, the European Bologna Process reinforced quality assurance (QA) in higher education (HE). While Cameroon is a signatory non-member state of the Bologna Process, many unresolved quality concerns in its HE system still exist because... more
“Avropa ali təhsilinə inteqrasiya: problemlər, perspektivlər” mövzusunda Tətbiqi Tədqiqatlar Fondu və Azərbaycan Turizm Đnstitutunun birgə keçirdikləri elmi praktik konfransın materialları layihə çərçivəsində aparılan tədqiqatların yekun... more
Die Misere der real existierenden Universität läßt sich in einem Satz zusammenfassen: Sie zwingt die Wissenschaftler, existentielle Risiken einzugehen, während sie verhindert, daß sie intellektuelle Risiken eingehen. Einerseits bedeutet... more
Il presente contributo prende in esame la Strage di Bologna del 1980 assieme alle altre due stragi che insanguinarono l´Europa nello stesso anno - quella all´Oktoberfest di Monaco e quella alla sinagoga di Parigi - all´interno del... more
'Research: Practitioner | Curator | Educator' is a co-authored book that identifies where we’re at and where we might be going vis-à-vis the idea of research in the art school, higher education, museums and galleries, and the creative and... more
اتفاقية بولونيا وإمكانية تطبيقها فى التعليم العالي بالعالم العربى، رؤية مقترحة نهى العاصى مدرس بقسم التربية المقارنة و الإدارة التربوية، كلية التربية بالإسماعيلية ، جامعة قناة السويس هدفت الدراسة للتعرف على التجربة الأوروبية الخاصة... more
Bu eser ABGS koordinasyonunda Akdeniz Üniversitesi İİBF tarafından yürütülen bir proje çerçevesinde tamamlanmıştır. Yayınında AB tarafından finansman sağlanmıştır. Eserin içeriğinden araştırmacıların kendileri sorumlu olup, AB'nin... more
EDITORIAL Andrew Wilkins: Pedagogy of the consumer: The politics of neo-liberal welfare reform ARTICLES Kevin J. Burke: Strange bedfellows: The new neoliberalism of catholic schooling in the United States Christopher G.... more
In the context of Bologna process, Armenian HEIs need to make an institutional self-assessment based on the criteria developed by Armenian National Quality Assurance Center. The content analysis of the self-assessment requirements within... more
This is available on the URL listed above. This book is the most comprehensive look at definitions of the BFA, MFA, and PhD, and the most comprehensive review of the pertinent histories of art education and how they influence the... more
This paper analyses a specific field in the system of higher education in Bosnia and Herzegovina – the legal status of pre bologna qualifications and titles in the bologna system. Current concept reveals total legal chaos. Higher... more
This article investigates the encounter of EU-unionization with a domesticated practice of corruption in Bosnian higher education. Relying on primary data collected in Bosnia’s public higher education system, the study finds that the... more
Ce mémoire analyse et met en parallèle les réformes économiques désirées par la Commission Européenne et leur traduction dans les réformes de l'enseignement supérieur au niveau européen
This article offers the application of new institutionalism and the Resource Dependence Theory in order to study the transformation of higher education in Europe in accordance with the principles of the Bologna Process. At the start of... more