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From the outset, "Every Step in the Right Direction," the title of the sixth edition of the Singapore Biennale, impulses a positive energy. Featuring 77 artists and art collectives, it takes place this year in 11 different venues across... more
Beitrag zum 30jährigen Bestehen der "Experimentellen". Die "Experimentelle" wurde von Titus Koch, dem Künstler Axel Heil und dem Förderkreis für Kultur und Heimatgeschichte Gottmadingen e.V. ins Leben gerufen. Die Geschichte dieser... more
Der berühmte Kunsthistorikerin Werner Haftmann war ein Wegbereiter der Documenta – und Mitglied der NSDAP. Der Münchener Kunsthistoriker Christian Fuhrmeister spricht über die Folgen dieser Erkenntnisse // Werner Haftmann was a pioneer of... more
Dans le cadre du séminaire "documenta 14 : Séminaire théorique et voyage d’études à Athènes", Merel Van Tilburg, Université de Genève
Roma, giugno 1998, libreria Amore e Psiche. Incontro-seminario con Achille Perilli sui temi dell'arte negli anni Sessanta.
To simply say that the Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art (APT) is an event that showcases contemporary art from Asia, Australia, and the Pacific islands would fail to convey the sheer vitality of its many iterations since 1993,... more
cat. 15. Cavaliere su giallo, 1964 (ridatato 1971), pp. 74-75, fig. 15
Die 33. Biennale von São Paulo versteht sich als Gegenmodell zu den Themen-Biennalen und hält problematische Distanz zu einem Land im politischen Umbruch. The 33rd biennial of Sao Paulo sees herself as a counter-model to the... more
‘Asian Biennials: Interview with Hans Michael Herzog’, published on ArtNexus, no. 72, vol. 8, March-May 2009, pp. 68-78.
Douze jours durant, 80 artistes et scientifiques ont exploré le pôle Sud en bateau : la critique d'art Jeanette Zwingenberger était du voyage. LE MONDE | 10.04.2017 à 07h43 « Une utopie est devenue réalité : nous venons de vivre la... more
Котломанов А.О. Паблик-арт: страницы истории. Искусство в контексте природы и природа в контексте искусства. Вестн. С.-Петерб. гос. ун-та. Сер. 15. Искусствоведение. 2015. Вып. 3. С. 5—19. Kotlomanov A.O. Public art: the pages of history.... more
Les biennales internationales d’art contemporain occupent aujourd’hui le paysage de la scène artistique française et font l’objet, depuis les années 2000, d’un dépôt de marque et d’un référencement sur le site de l’Institut National de la... more
Котломанов А.О. Искусство в разговорном формате: события российской художественной жизни осени 2015 г. // Вестн. С.-Петерб. гос. ун-та. Сер. 15. Искусствоведение. 2016. Вып. 1. С. 147—150. Kotlomanov A.O. Art in conversational format.... more
Alejandro Aravenának, a Velencei Biennálé chilei származású főkurátorának nagy szerep jutott abban, hogy idén mind a Giardini, mind az Arsenale a szokottnál kiegyensúlyozottabb összképet mutatott. A témaválasztás is nagyban hozzájárult... more
The paper examines social features and cultural profile of the audience of Manifesta 10, first global scaled art-event ever hold in St. Petersburg and Russia as well. Based on the empirical study of 400 formalized interviews with biennale... more
The paper is the curator's forward for the catalogue of the third edition of the Colombo Art Biennale 2014.
The Liberation of the art market in early modern times gave way to a certain type of exhibition in order to show artworks that were for sale: The Salon. Artists and members of the Academy presented paintings, sculpture and drawings to... more
Nel 1901 Vittorio Pica coniò la definizione di "ossessione nordica" come caratteristica assunta da molta pittura italiana a ridosso delle prime Biennali veneziane. Questo valse soprattutto per i pittori di paesaggio esaminati in questo... more
An article by Robert Enright is followed by an artist's project by Bill Burns. The article discusses art world celebrity, curators, nature, animals and power.