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The Biennale de Dakar as a project of cooperation and development The study observes the international art system from Dak’Art, the Senegalese contemporary African art biennale; in particular it explores the relationship between visual... more
The paper analyzed and discusses the first edition of the Kochi-Muziris Biennale and its impact on the socio-cultural aspects of India. Editorial by Nanne Buurman In Trade Routes: History and Geography: 2nd Johannesburg Biennale (1997), the first large biennial that he would... more
This dissertation analyses how the Korean contemporary art scene has been impacted by globalisation in the years after 1989. It begins by providing an account of how Korean contemporary art was introduced and exhibited to international... more
Giorgio de Chirico e la Biennale di Venezia 1924-1936 in Metafisica 17/18 Quaderni della Fondazione Giorgio e Isa de Chirico. GIORGIO DE CHIRICO E VENEZIA: 1924-1936 SOMMARIO: Parte I 1) 1924: XIV Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte... more
Intro to 'Section II, Exhibition Histories' from the anthology 'Curating After the Global: Roadmaps for the Present' (ed. Paul O'Neill, Simon Sheikh, Lucy Steeds & Mick Wilson; The MIT Press, 2019), titled 'Activating What Might Have... more
El Grupo 3.4.5. fue un movimiento asociativo de artistas, encabezado por la pintora y restauradora de tapicería antigua, Gisella Santi, que estuvo activo entre 1978 e 2002, en la ciudad de Lisboa. Según Ana Maria Gonçalves, la cooperativa... more
This special issue of Humanities Research offers a selection of papers presented at the international conference ‘The World and World-Making in Art: Connectivities and Differences’ held at The Australian National... more
Since 1984 the Havana Biennale has been known as “the Tri-continental art event,” presenting artists from Latin America, Africa, and Asia. It also has intensely debated the nature of recent and contemporary art from a Third World or... more
Article for "On Curating", the documenta issue (no. 33), 2017, edited by Nanne Buurman and Dorothee Richter
"La Quadriennale di Roma.
Da Ente autonomo a Fondazione"

di Lýdia Pribišová

postmedia books 2017
isbn 9788874901968
GIORGIO DE CHIRICO E VENEZIA - PARTE III (1937-1947) Giorgia Chierici Giorgio de Chirico e la Biennale di Venezia 7) 1938: XXI Esposizione Biennale Internazionale d’Arte 8) 1940: Zurigo 9) 1942: XXIII Esposizione Biennale... more
From Bydler and Sjøholm (eds.), REGIONALITY / MONDIALITY Perspectives on Art, Aesthetics and Globalization An anthology Södertörn Studies in Art History and Aesthetics 2 Södertörn Academic Studies 57
Do we live in the same P L A Y G R O U N D ? Vol 7 No 3 Juli - September Tajuk ini kami pilih untuk merangkum pembacaan kami dan seniman-seniman yang terlibat di dalam perhelatan Biennale Jogja Equator #5 atas segelintir persoalan... more
Text Box 41.5 from 20th Century Indian Art: Modern, Post-independence, Contemporary, edited by Partha Mitter, Parul Dave-Mukherji and Rakhee Balaram (London: Thames & Hudson, 2022), pp 595 – 596.
„I was a stranger and you took me in. Ich war ein Fremdling und ihr habt mich beherbergt.“ Ein Zitat aus der Bibel in vier Sprachen (Deutsch, Englisch, Arabisch und Türkisch) auf einem 16,3 Meter hohen Obelisken steht mitten auf dem... more
This case study on Singapore’s Contemporary Art highlights a global condition for nations competing for a place in the present international art world of Biennials and Triennials. By tracing the development of Contemporary Art in... more
Helsinki Photography Biennial is a series of events organized by the Union of Artist Photographers in the spring of even years, which showcases Finnish and international photographic art. In 2014 the biennial is produced by the Union of... more
Co-written with two art historians, this essay assesses contemporary debate about art, politics and commodity culture. Starting from the 2009 Istanbul Biennial, with its Brechtian curatorial theme, this we consider's the Left's varying... more
***Previously published as 'The Photographic Conditions of Contemporary Thai Art', in the Taipei Fine Arts Museum Journal, no. 34, 2017.*** This paper takes as a point of departure, Rosalind Krauss’ essay ‘The Photographic Conditions of... more
Les biennales internationales sont le phénomène d’art mondain et mondial des années quatre-vingt-dix par excellence. Elles répondent bien au rêve global de tous les gouvernements qui veulent représenter le savoir de la planète entière et... more
Este artículo tiene por objetivo analizar cómo la cuestión de la latinidad y de la construcción de una consciencia continental, latinoamericana, fue debatida y problematizada en el contexto de diferentes Bienales de arte realizadas en... more
Today we live in a digital revolution, we participate in all kinds of mobilizations in the global capitalist society, we see how they are emerging new forms of organization at all levels and new types of practices. Awareness of social... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
The idea of enabling resistant narratives to neoliberalism through dialogical and participatory works, steadily informs the agenda of perennial large-scale exhibitions of contemporary art (biennials) around Europe and the world. Somewhat... more
With the 56th Bienalle, Okwui Enwezor has become a milestone in the biennial concept and its relationship with the contemporary art, igniting a discussion about Walter Benjamin and his historical materialist ideas in the context of... more
In association with Business of Fashion, Textiles and Technology (BFTT), Creative R&D Partnership. London College of Fashion, UAL, with the support from UK Industrial Strategy: An industry roundtable discussion with Dr Lipi Begum... more
Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação Interunidades em Estética e História da Arte da Universidade de São Paulo para obtenção do título de Mestre em Estética e História da Arte. Área de concentração: Teoria e Crítica de... more
El Grupo 3.4.5. fue un movimiento asociativo de artistas, encabezado por la pintora y restauradora de tapicería antigua, Gisella Santi, que estuvo activo entre 1978 e 2002, en la ciudad de Lisboa. Según Ana Maria Gonçalves, la cooperativa... more