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3rd International Conference Water–Climate’2014 :, Water Resources & Climate Change in the Mediterranean Region

Hammamet (Tunisia) on October 21, 22 and 23, 2014
1st International Congress on Biodiversity and Wetland Knowledge, development, and health management
27, 28 & 29 May-University of El-Tarf
Para facilitar y homogeneizar el tratamiento y la interpretación de la información generada en las redes de control biológico se presenta una colección de fichas descriptivas de los organismos fitobentónicos que incluyen: nombre... more
The research on algal communities’ response to altitude and altitude-related climatic conditions is sparse. So far, a full, accessible list of algae from the water bodies of the South-Tajik Depression has not been available. We compiled... more
Altogether 272 species and infraspecific taxa of algae and cyanobacteria were identified in the Enguri River habitats during 1974-1977, and 2014 field trips. Total list of algal flora including our findings and reference lists is... more
Starogard Gdański i s a small town situated in northern Poland. It is surrounded by fields, only at east and west large forest complexes adjoin it. On the basis of analysis of lichens from 156 localities (Fig. 1-4), five zones of... more
The Water Framework Directive (WFD) requires that the European Union countries determine the biological state of their waters with respect to sites of high quality. Despite bioindicators have been widely applied in running waters and deep... more
– Biomonitoring is central to the European Union's Water Framework Directive (WFD) and to the French water and aquatic environmental law, but most diatom indices do not separate different anthropogenic impacts. To address this gap, the... more
On the basis of our collected material and historical information we assess phytoplankton dynamics in Kondopoga Bay, the Lake Onego in 1993-2011. The summer communities from continuously studied sampling stations contain 100 species... more
Altogether 209 species of algae and cyanobacteria has been revealed in 2014-2015 from four sites in the Kabul River that flow across the Peshawar Valley. Green algae, diatoms, and Charophyta filamentous algae were diverse and characterize... more
"The Duero River Basin, with an area of 97290 km2 and more than 40000 km of streams, is the largest one in the Iberian Peninsula, and lies mainly under Mediterranean continentalized bioclimate. Aquatic ecosystems are endorheic and main... more
En esta obra se recogen los 200 taxones de diatomeas (pertenecientes a 60 géneros distintos) más importantes de las identificadas en más de 600 muestras de epiliton fluvial recogidas durante campañas de muestreo efectuadas entre 2003 y... more
Biotic indices based on macro-invertebrates and diatoms are frequently used to diagnose ecological quality in watercourses, but few published works have assessed their effectiveness as biomonitors of the concentration of micropollutants.... more
Several methods for water quality assessment have been proposed for European rivers. The EU Water Framework Directive requires the use of ecological indicators for stream monitoring networks and has encouraged research on biological... more
En verano de 2005 se realizó un muestreo en 140 estaciones de la red ICA de la cuenca del Duero, a fin de determinar la calidad ecológica del agua en estos puntos utilizando diatomeas como bioindicadores. Los resultados muestran que el... more
Se propone un método para la toma de muestras de diatomeas epífitas en lagos y lagunas con el fin de aplicar dichas comunidades algales en la determinación del estado ecológico de estos sistemas acuáticos de acuerdo con los requisitos de... more
For analysing element input into ecosystems and associated risks due to atmospheric deposition, element concentrations in moss provide complementary and timeintegrated data at high spatial resolution every 5 years since 1990. The paper... more
Knowledge of habitat suitability for freshwater mussels is an important step in the conservation of this endangered species group. We describe a protocol for performing in situ juvenile exposure tests within oligotrophic river catchments... more
Twelve transects, each 7 km long and 10 m wide (in groups of six in Lithuania and Poland), and additional five areas (three on the Lithuanian side and two on the Polish side) were chosen for the evaluation of lichen diversity along the... more
We revealed 238 species and infraspecific taxa of algae and cyanobacteria in phytoplankton communities in lakes of the Regional Landscape Park “Slavyansky Resort”, Ukraine during 2007-2013 of the total 352 known in the region assigned to... more
In order to determine water quality status in the Duero basin (NW Spain), epilithic diatom samples were collected and analyzed in 137 stations in August 2004 following normalized standard protocols. The floristic particularities of the... more
The Lower Jordan River stretches from the outlet of Lake Kinneret till the Dead Sea and is one of the most polluted rivers in Israel. In order to estimate the aquatic ecosystem of the northern part of the Lower Jordan River we used algal... more
1er Colloque National
L'environnement: étude, préservation, éducation
21, 22 et 23 Mai 2014
A la Faculté des Sciences et Techniques Fès
Paper presents the review of problems in the algal Teratogenesis and demonstrates the samples of aberrant forms generation in freshwater environment. Diversity of aberrant forms in green, diatom algae and cyanobacteria are demonstrated.... more
In 59 samples of periphyton and phytoplankton collected in 2002 - 2003 from the Nahal Qishon (Qishon River), northern Israel, we found 178 species from seven divisions of algae and cyanoprocaryotes. Diatoms, clorophytes, and... more
Species diversity of epiphytic diatoms in Peter the Great Baу, Japan Sea is studied. 112 species and intraspecific taxa of diatoms from Bacillariophyceae (79), Fragilariophyceae (15) and Coscinodiscophyceae (18) are revealed. 9 species... more
We recognized 350 species and infraspecific taxa of algae from nine taxonomic Divisions (Cyanoprokaryota, Euglenophyta, Chrysophyta, Dinophyta, Xanthophyta, Cryptophyta, Bacillariophyta, Chlorophyta and Charophyta) in 121 phytoplankton... more
Stable nitrogen isotopes (δ15N) in bioindicators are increasingly employed to identify nitrogen sources in many ecosystems and biological characteristics of the eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) make it an appropriate species for... more
This study aimed to evaluate the distribution of Sempre-viva (Paepalanthus sp.) and Canela-de-ema (Velloziasquamata) composed predominantly of moist grassland and of the Serra da Canastra National Park. The plots methodology was used,... more
No one information about algal community diversity from the Arys River basin was before this study. The first data about algal and cyanobacteria species diversity was represented for the Arys River basin and compared it to freshwater... more
The main objective of this paper is to show some experiences of the Department of Biology of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia in the development of limnological indices to assess the ecological status of aquatic systems in Colombia.... more
First study of new locality the Mount Arbel National Park and Nature Reserve with charophyte algae in the Lower Galilee region of Israel has been implemented for revealing of algal diversity and ecological assessment of the water object... more
Springtail communities have been shown to be good indicators of environmental health, although it can occur that the influence of site is higher than that of vegetational types, pointing to the need for a comprehensive exploration of the... more
Mercury and heavy metal contents are monitored using lichens as a tool for evaluation of air pollution. Lichens allow the identification of zones with anthropic impact, pollution hotspots and natural sources of contamination like volcanic... more