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Adeonellopsis subsulcata (Smitt, 1873) (Bryozoa: Gymnolaemata) was first reported in Cuba on the marine terraces of the "Desembarco del Granma" National Park at the southeastern Cuban coast. Samples were collected using SCUBA gear at 12 m... more
Research related to SCUBA diving, primarily about its impact on coral reef, has increased in the last years. However, few studies are devoted to SCUBA diving socioeconomic features. Thus, this study aims to characterise from ecological,... more
Scuba diving tourism is one of the fast-growing tourism activities globally. Therefore, it is identified as a potential adventure tourism segment. Sri Lanka Scuba diving tourism segment has been identified as a niche market segment with... more
Los recorridos en los Senderos Submarinos del Parque Nacional Cahuita permitieron identificar los organismos marinos presentes. La descripción biológica de la flora y la fauna se basó en la metodología de línea transecto y observación... more
La prima edizione del corso di Archeologa subacquea edito da IRIAE e aperto a tutti
An opening review and commentary of the recently published U.S. Navy Dive Manual Revision 7. Primary focus is on identifying safety issues, that the USN NEDU has emphasised, that are relevant to recreational diving.
A review of research into scuba diving fatalities, and the implications for how training is conducted by industry professionals.
A discussion on why the industry standard ISO/EUF Level 2 Autonomous Diver, should not be the course offered as the initial entry certification, within the resort setting.
This requested article was written for a major scuba diving information website located in Malaysia. The author discusses the issue of whether swimming ability is important to participation in scuba diving. While it's possible to learn... more
Tourist activity in coral reefs of the Natural National Park Corals of Rosario and San Bernardo, Colombia. Islas del Rosario and San Bernardo is a National Nature Park that protects coral reefs and mangroves but is increasingly affected... more
La sorprendente cosmovisión maya articula los planos: celeste, terrestre e inframundo; en el cenote de Holtún en Chichén Itzá.