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Miniature atomic beams can provide new functionalities for atom based sensing instruments such as atomic clocks and interferometers. We recently demonstrated a planar silicon device for generating well-collimated thermal atomic beams [Nat... more
Non-equilibrium plasma in high-voltage gas discharges of the so-called apokamp type (blue jets, red sprites) is of great interest for science and practice [1]. But, despite the advances in apokamp plasma physics, the mechanism of apokamp... more
We review one of the most versatile theoretical approaches to the study of time-dependent correlated quantum transport in nano-systems: the non-equilibrium Green's function (NEGF) formalism. Within this formalism, one can treat, on... more
In this letter, we study the indirect detection of Cosmological Constant from an open quantum system of N entangled spins, weakly interacting with a thermal bath, a massless scalar field minimally coupled with the static De Sitter... more
In this study, optical Bloch equations with and without neighboring hyperfine states near the degenerate two-level system (DTLS) in the challenging case of $$^{85}$$ 85 Rb D2 transition, which involves the Doppler broadening effect, are... more
We studied the effect of the phenothiazine (PTZ) surface doping on the structural and optical properties of nanocrystalline titanium dioxide powder with a single anatase phase (A-TiO2). We found that the mixing and interaction of PTZ and... more
The demand for nanoscale materials of ultra-high purity and narrow size distribution is addressed. Clusters of Au, C60, H2 O, and serine are produced inside helium nanodroplets using a combination of ionization, mass filtering, collisions... more
An analysis of portions of Enochic literature against the background of Apocalyptic and Kabbalistic doctrines of the Son or Word. This unpublished manuscript from which this material was taken was written during 1994-1998.
We use the temporal Fourier transform of time-resolved x-ray scattering, known as Fourier-transform inelastic x-ray scattering (FT-IXS), to examine the harmonic, anharmonic, and dissociative dynamics of molecular iodine. This method can... more
In order to insure the end results of the special theory of relativity, the fundamental quantities, period of time T0, the size of the space r0, and the clock mass M0, i.e. the compound mass carrying the clock labor, depicted by any given... more
20th International Conference on Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology. Doxorubicin (DOX) is a chemotherapeutic agent used for treatment of different cancers and its clinical usage is hindered by the oxidative injury-related... more
An experimental investigation was made of radiative recombination of chlorine atoms in order to study the feasibility of developing a gasdynamic recombination laser utilizing electronic phototransitions. Nonequilibrium atomic... more
The process of two-and three-particle photorecombination of chlorine atoms in a reflected shock wave and in a supersonic nozzle has been studied. The rate constants of photorecombination between 960 K and 2800 K have been determined... more
Our prime computation effort is to support current and future measurements of atomic photoionization cross-sections being performed at various synchrotron radiation facilities around the globe, and computations for astrophysical... more
We report on ab initio coupled-cluster calculations of the interaction potential energy surface for the HCNH + –He complex. The aug-cc-pVTZ Gaussian basis, to which is added a set of bond functions placed at mid-distance between HCNH +... more
Accurate molecular data for the low-lying states of SiO are computed and used to calculate rate constants for radiative association (RA) of Si and O. Einstein A-coefficients are also calculated for transitions between all of the bound and... more
It is customary in ab initio electronic structure theory to employ the clamped nucleus model; treating electrons as quantum particles and nuclei as point charges. While this model works well in most cases, in the non-adiabatic processes,... more
Time-resolved femtosecond x-ray diffraction patterns from laser-excited molecular iodine are used to create a movie of intramolecular motion with a temporal and spatial resolution of 30 fs and 0.3 Å. This high fidelity is due to... more
The Summary Einsteinian formula , declaring equivalence of such incompatible concepts as matter and its energy (i.e. finally its velocity) contradicts logic and common sense. Mass deficit revealed during measuring atomic masses of... more
В работе представлен анализ температурных зависимостей коэффициента поглощения звука, a·f-2 (f,T), сверхкритических флюидов: н-амиловый спирт-нитрометан и нитробензол-гексан для различных частот (5-2800) МГц, выше критической температуры... more
A detailed experimental and theoretical investigation of the dynamics leading to fragmentation of doubly ionized molecular thiophene is presented. Dissociation of double-ionized molecules was induced by S 2p core photoionization and the... more
Results from the first radial measurements of the n = 2 to n = 1 x-ray transitions of high-Z elements in deuterium tokamak plasmas are presented. The observed line intensity ratios cannot be explained by electron-impact excitation and... more
Symmetry is well established as one of the fundamental concepts in physics, accurately extracting relevant characteristics of the studied object, giving deep and transparent insight to its properties. In the solid state and molecular... more
Synchrotron radiation-based experimental techniques are largely employed for the characterization of the reactivity of finite size systems; in particular, x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) is a suitable tool to shed light on the local... more
POST #1, POST #2 & POST #3 were recently uploaded to this site; Post #1 gave a general introduction and view of the electron. Post #2 gave a mathematical derivation of such electron. Post #3 explained how the electron charge worked. In... more
A computed list of transition lines for the atomic ion C+ is generated using R-matrix, Autostructure and Emissivity codes. These lines are produced by dielectronic recombination and subsequent cascade decays of the low-lying autoionizing... more
Resonances, which are also described as autoionizing or quasi-bound states, play an important role in the scattering of atoms and ions with electrons. The current article is an overview of the main methods, including a recently-proposed... more
The current paper presents atomic data generated to investigate the recombination lines of C II in the spectra of planetary nebulae. These data include energies of bound and autoionizing states, oscillator strengths and radiative... more
We experimentally demonstrate how magnetic depolarization of velocity-selective optical pumping can be used to single out the collisional cusp kernel best describing spin and velocity relaxing collisions between potassium atoms and low... more