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Abstract: In the field of "Architectural Restoration", diagnostic studies correspond to a set of technical studies to analyze structures and mortar elements in order to assess degenerative processes. If carried out in multidisciplinary... more
La présente contribution vise à préciser les aspects géographiques et chronologiques liés à l’apparition, au développement et au déclin d’un type de construction en pierre sèche localement appelée « torre ». Ces édifices monumentaux, qui... more
A book on early Dominican architecture in Cracow, from the founding of the Holy Trinity convent (1222) to the 20s of the 14th century. Due to the large scale of archaeological and architectural research carried out in the Dominican church... more
Ogni realtà architettonica, è espressione dell’ambiente socio-economico in cui è stata concepita e ogni suo elemento riflette la volontà generatrice del sostrato culturale locale. Partendo da questo assunto, il presente volume affronta,... more
Num contexto cada vez mais actual de uma prática arquitectónica que se baseia no restauro e reabilitação do edificado, a análise estratigráfica apresenta-se como uma metodologia de trabalho indispensável mas ainda desconhecida em muitos... more
The study focuses on the spread of the brick decoration in the late-medieval architecture of Chierese and Alto Astigiano land. The survey covered an area of 500 sq km and identified 37 defensive, civil and religious buildings in 17 towns.... more
Il contributo analizza il rapporto tra il Comune di Genova e le maestranze specializzate di costruttori e lavoratori della pietra durante la fase di maggiore espansione territoriale nella Liguria occidentale. Questi ultimi, noti nella... more
The thesis analyzes the contribution of the buildings built for the World’s Fairs to the history of architecture structural typologies, defining these contributions, their importance and the fields where they're acknowledged, supporting... more
Of High Middle Ages origins, the Castle of Leiria has undergone different structural changes, mostly striving to adapt to the military defense evolutions. In the present study, the military structures of the castle’s sector A (núcleo A),... more
Se presentan los resultados de varios proyectos desarrollados entre 2003 y 2019, centrados en el proceso de fortificación de la frontera galaico-portuguesa con motivo de la Guerra de la Restauração (1640-1668). La primera consecuencia fue... more
Located in the old medieval outskirts of Coimbra, a residential building has traditionally been named "medieval house”, due to its architecture, consistent with what was in vogue in Portuguese cities of the late medieval period. However,... more
"[ES] Se presenta la Memoria Técnica resultante de los trabajos arqueológicos desarrollados en el marco de la redacción del Plan Director de las Fortalezas Transfronterizas del Tramo Bajo del Río Miño. Estos trabajos consistían en la... more
This paper is about innovations in vault construction occurring in Rome in the first half of the 2nd century AD. Based on new information gathered during the restoration of the Trajan’s Markets and the study of the sepulchre of Hadrian it... more
Anadolu'da Roma Mimarisi dersi seminer ödevi kapsamında hazırlanan bu çalışma, Ephesos Antik Kenti'nde yer alan Domitianus Tapınağını konu almaktadır. Çalışmanın ilk bölümünde, Ephesos Antik kentinin konumu, tarihçesi ve tapınağın kent... more
Les agglomérations ouvertes du sud-ouest de la France à la fin de l’âge du Fer : le cas des Volques et des Aquitains Dans le sud de Midi-Pyrénées, les agglomérations ouvertes de la fin de l’âge du Fer sont attestées depuis les années... more
The church of St. Mary of Muge (Muge, Salvaterra de Magos, Portugal), was buit in 1297 as a small gothic temple. Currently nothing remains of the original building except some disconnected architectural elements. This work is an attempt... more
This paper presents the results of some of the studies developed by the interdisciplinary team of Terrachidia, focused on the earthen architecture of the last oasis in the Drâa Valley (Morocco), M’Hamid, one of the main gates to the... more
""The Chiesa Madre of S. Maria Assunta at Laurenzana (PZ, Basilicata, Italy) was a middle-age church, named in medieval documents Sancta Maria de Plataeis; the first mention is in Suebian age, under the emperor Friedrich II Hoenstaufen; a... more
Augustodunum, civitas Aeduorum, fondée à l’époque augustéenne, fut dotée de quatre portes urbaines : la porte d’Arroux et la porte Saint-André qui sont les mieux conservées, la porte Saint-Andoche dont il ne reste qu’une tour de... more
The Church of S. Giovanni Battista Decollato at Mensano (Siena), has a basilica plan with a central nave and two side-aisles, each terminating in an apse. Inside there are eight massive monolithic columns, with classicizing capitals... more
The study of Maturana-Verástegui Palace has enabled us to understand the complex construction evolution of a building which, in perfect symbiosis with the historic past of the family which lived in it, was gradually transformed in a... more
Tipologías arquitectónicas adoptadas por las alquerías de la huerta de Valencia en el siglo XIV y XV.
"[ES] Presentamos un estudio de las fortalezas que fueron construidas durante la Guerra de la Restauração Portuguesa (1640-1668) en lo que se conoce como ´raia húmida´ o ´raya húmeda´, que se corresponde con el territorio limítrofe al... more
"A taipa de pilão é uma das mais conhecidas técnicas construtivas tradicionais, utilizada em larga escala no Estado de São Paulo em edifícios urbanos e rurais entre os séculos XVI e XIX. Fortemente associada ao patrimônio cultural da... more
Aproximación a la arquitectura rural del poblado de Patraix en la Huerta de Valencia.
Rammed earth is one of the most known traditional construction techniques, commonly used in urban and rural buildings in São Paulo State between 16th and 19th century. Strongly associated with regional cultural heritage, this technique... more
The article proposes a new interpretation of the church of S. Lorenzo in Verona, built between the end of the 11th and the beginning of the 12th century. The church is important in the context of Romanesque architecture in northern Italy... more
Stratigraphic analysis of the walls of the Angostina Parish Church. The study has enabled us to define four main construction phases, from the medieval building to the present day.
El monasterio de Santa María la Real de Valdeiglesias, situado en el municipio de Pelayos de la Presa (Madrid), es la más importante fundación monacal de la Orden Cisterciense que se conserva en la Comunidad de Madrid. Levantado sobre... more
La ermita de San Pantaleón de Losa se ha datado tradicionalmente a inicios del s. XIII en base a la inscripción de consagración colocada en ella y datada en la Era 1245 (1207 dC.), con una posterior ampliación norte de estilo gótico. Sin... more
THE FIRST OPENED CARAVANSERAI, RABAT (RIBAT) OF CENTRAL ASIA Aultepe is one of the well-studied monuments of the early middle ages of Central Asia. The excavation author S. K. Kabanov, based on the data obtained suggested that it was the... more
Estudio arqueológico de la Alquería de Barrinto, fundada en el siglo XIV, con ampliaciones en los siglos XV y XVII: técnicas y materiales de construcción, espacios de producción y domésticos, ….