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Spiders are an important animal group, with a long history. Details of their origins remain limited, with little knowledge of their stem group, and no insights into the sequence of character acquisition during spider evolution. We... more
During May through July 2012 many habitats in Mergasor locality were investigated for jumping spiders. Three species and three genera were recorded belonging to the family Salticidae which are Philaeus chrysops, Plexippus paykulli and... more
VIDEO LINK = Чудо Природы Под Микроскопом: РАССКАЗ-ИСТОРИЯ про Хоботок-Пилу у Собачьего Клеща Ixodes ricinus. Клещ Под Микроскопом: История про Иксодовых Клещей и Собачьего Клеща Ixodes ricinus. 19.03.2015... more
Fire is an important disturbance that can impact biodiversity and ecosystem functions. Although fire impacts have been well studied in plants and some animals, the effects of fire on litter-dwelling arthropods remain poorly documented. I... more
There is a natural range of variation in sperm morphology inside males. This variation may be adaptive or a result of poor quality control of sperm production. Sperm aggregates can also show different morphologies inside ejaculates.... more
Specific dynamic action (SDA) is the cumulative energy expended on meal ingestion, digestion, and assimilation. In this study, we examined the postfeeding metabolic response of the Chilean rose hair tarantula to determine whether they... more
Idiogaryops paludis (Chamberlin, 1932) is recorded from Puerto Rico; this is thefirst record of the family Sternophoridae Chamberlin, 1923 for this Antillean Island. Descriptions and morphometric data of the specimens are given.
A new species of Charinus is described and illustrated from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Charinus ruschii sp. n. is found in Santa Lúcia reserve, Espírito Santo state, and is sympatric with C. brasilianus and C. montanus. The new... more
Necrophagy is a feeding strategy in which animals feed on carrion; most scavengers are facultative and can also be predators or consumers. For amblypygids, necrophagy is a poorly documented phenomenon and there are literature records of... more
Se analizó la variación espacial de las comunidades de arañas del suelo y sotobosque asociadas a tres localidades con bosque mesófilo de montaña (BMM) de la Sierra Madre de Chiapas. Los resultados demuestran una marcada segregación entre... more
Digestive carbohydrases are present in many species of hematophagous Arthropoda, including ticks. In this work, Amblyomma cajennense (Ixodidae) midgut digestive carbohydrases were tracked with different substrates, resulting in the... more
Arthropods account for more than 65% of global species and 85% of animal species. On a temperate grassland, arthropods hold a huge biomass (1,000kg/ha), seconded to plant (20,000kg/ha) and microorganisms (7,000kg/ha) but much higher than... more