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The transcriptomic datasets of the plant model organism Arabidopsis thaliana grown in the International Space Station provided by GeneLab have been mined to isolate the impact of spaceflight microgravity on gene expressions related to... more
Spaceflight microgravity affects normal plant growth in several ways. The transcriptional dataset of the plant model organism Arabidopsis thaliana grown in the international space station is mined using graph-theoretic network analysis... more
The AP2/ERF family includes a large number of developmentally and physiologically important transcription factors sharing an AP2 DNA-binding domain. Among them DREB1/CBF and DREB2 factors are known as master regulators respectively of... more
Light is one of the most important environmental factors affecting almost all stages of plant growth and development. Arabidopsis SPA and COP1 proteins act as repressors of light signaling in darkness. Members of the SPA protein family... more
MAP kinase (MPK) cascades in Arabidopsis thaliana and other vascular plants are activated by developmental cues, abiotic stress, and pathogen infection. Much less is known of MPK functions in nonvascular land plants such as the moss... more
Alternative splicing can enhance transcriptome plasticity and proteome diversity. In plants, alternative splicing can be manifested at different developmental stages, and is frequently associated with specific tissue types or... more
ABSTRACTAutocrine signaling pathways regulated by RAPID ALKALINIZATION FACTORs (RALFs) control cell wall integrity during pollen tube germination and growth in Arabidopsis. To investigate the role of pollen-specific RALFs in another plant... more
Plant flowers have a functional life span during which pollination and fertilization occur to ensure seed and fruit development. Once flower senescence is initiated, the potential to set seed or fruit is irrevocably lost. In maize, silk... more
Racing to fertilization Pollen tubes, which carry plant sperm, need to grow from where they land in the flower to where the ovule is. Zhong et al. now show how pollen from related plant species race to reach the ovule first. One set of... more
Ubiquitination is involved in diverse cellular processes in higher plants. In this report, we describe Arabidopsis thaliana PUB22 and PUB23, two homologous U-box–containing E3 ubiquitin (Ub) ligases. The PUB22 and PUB23 genes were rapidly... more
Summary How plants balance resource allocation between growth and defense under conditions of competitive stress is a key question in plant biology. Low red : far‐red (R : FR) ratios, which signal a high risk of competition in plant... more
Stress conditions generate an extra load on protein folding machinery in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and if the ER cannot overcome this load, unfolded proteins accumulate in the ER lumen, causing ER stress. ER lumen localised protein... more
Dehydrins, one of the Late Embryogenesis Abundant (LEA) proteins, are specialized proteins related to environmental stress tolerance in plants. They are multifunctional proteins that can bind free metal ions, interact with macromolecules... more
Fil: Soto, Maria Soledad. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Bioquimicas y Farmaceuticas. Centro de Estudios Fotosinteticos y Bioquimicos (CEFOBI-CONICET); Argentina.