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Osseous raw materials had important role in everyday activities in most Mesolithic communities. As flint industry, bone industries also create distinctive technocomplexes and display regional, chronological and cultural characteristics.... more
The aim of this study was to use for the first time molecular techniques (microsatellite genotyping and paternity analyses), in combination with field ecology studies, to provide data on male breeding success and... more
The one biblical mitzvah on Rosh Hashanah is the hearing of the shofar. The physical source of the shofar is discussed in various talmudic sources that were later codified. In their codifications, Rabbi Yosef Karo and Rabbi Moses Isserles... more
Abstract: The Iron Gates area (Serbia and Romania) is well known for its extraordinary Mesolithic finds, first discovered almost fifty years ago, which initiated still ongoing debate on the relations between foragers and farmers and the... more
""Abstract: "Raw material selection is an essential facet of technological decision making. This analysis moves beyond more typical lithic studies, investigating links between raw material selection and practical tool function by... more
Antler is a specific osseous raw material – it is a renewable resource, which can be obtained through both hunting and gathering, resilient, strong, and may be available in relatively substantial quantities. Antlers were widely used since... more
Summary The site Divostin is located in the vicinity of Kragujevac in central Serbia. It was excavated almost half a century ago and it yielded rich remains of architecture and portable finds, belonging to Starčevo and Vinča... more
There are five species of deer (family Cervidae) living in Indonesia today. Male deer possesses antlers, a unique character of male deer. Antlers have economic values for quite a long time. Antler's growth is influenced by several... more
Results of use-wear and experimental studies of Mesolithic materials from Eastern Europe indicate various methods of blanks production depending on peculiarities of osseous raw material and type of the tool produced. Employment of these... more
Osseous raw materials were widely used in the economic life of different historical epochs in order to make various tools, ornaments, household and military items. Experimental-traceological studies are of great importance for the study... more
Overview of 13C and 15N stable isotope analysis of modern fallow deer antlers as context for archaeological specimens. Presented at Postgraduate Zooarchaeology Forum, University College, London (PZAF 2014), June 2014.
"The excavations at Star Carr by Grahame Clark (1949 – 1951) have received much attention not only due to the extent and preservational conditions of the site but also due to the recovery of 21 perforated red deer skulls. The... more
This study is aimed at evaluating the relationship between endogenous testosterone levels and antler development in male sambar deer (Rusa unicolor unicolor) inhabiting the Horton Plains National Park, Sri Lanka. Seven antler growth... more
ABSTRACT The article describes morphology and chronological distribution of late Middle e Late Pleistocene fossil remains of giant deer Megaloceros giganteus from the area adjoining the northern and eastern foothills of the Sudeten and... more
There are five species of deer (family Cervidae) living in Indonesia today. Male deer possesses antlers, a unique character of male deer. Antlers have economic values for quite a long time. Antler’s growth is influenced by several... more
Рог спада у једну од основних сировина за израду употребних и декоративних предмета не само у пре-металним друштвима, већ задржава битну улогу и у каснијим периодима. У овом раду биће анализирана технологија обраде рога у познонеолитском... more
This article presents a study of the mobility of Late Palaeolithic and Mesolithic hunter-gatherer groups which settled in the area of the upper Otava, the Bohemian Paradise and the Central Bohemia region. The exploitation models are... more
Since manipulative traces on the bone surfaces were not only evident but very abundant as well, an essential portion of the faunal analysis derived into a comprehensive experimental programme to check, among others, wheter such traces had... more
Although archaeologists have long discussed the evolution of the social stratification and complex group interactions of the hunter-gatherer-fishers of the Northwest Coast (e.g. Matson and Coupland 1994; Ames 1994), few have examined the... more
Ivanovskoje 7 is a multilayer peat bog site in central Russia. About 500 square meters were excavated during 1974 to 1997. three Mesolithic and two neolithic cultural layers had been recovered, separated by sterile streaks, 14c dated... more
The aim of commercial pig breeding programs is to maximize the number of pigs produced per sow per year. Given that sows exhibit an estrus during lactation is a potential means of increasing productivity of a pig breeding herd without... more
Roman Naissus (modern Niš, Serbia) was one of the most important cities in Late Antiquity in the province of Dacia mediterranea. Well developed economy (based on agriculture, mining and metallurgy, crafts and trade), as well as the fact... more
Shamanic belief systems represent the first form of religious practice visible within the global archaeological record. Here we report on the earliest known evidence of shamanic costume: modified red deer crania headdresses from the Early... more
This paper presents new AMS dating of organic finds from the Shigir (Shigirsky) peat bog, located in the Sverdlovsk Province, Kirovgrad District of the Urals. The bog is located immediately south of the river Severnaya Shuraly, with the... more
In red deer, yearling antler length is a largely nutrition-mediated phenotypic character, and is therefore sometimes used as an indirect estimate of range quality and population condition. However, the parameters affecting yearling antler... more
ABSTRACT The appearance of portable artistic objects during the Upper Palaeolithic is characterised by a combination of a wide choice of techniques, use of different materials and a diversity of iconographic expression, with many objects... more
Four decorated antler mounts from Bu Sands, Burray, Orkney, found in 1990, are described. Relevant parallels are studied, from which a Roman or early Anglo-Saxon date is proposed, with manufacture in southern Britain. Consideration of the... more
Quick introduction to work in progress to investigate rapid production of high-quality graphs direct from a database of zooarchaeological data.