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Bleb formation has been correlated with nonmuscle myosin II (NM-II) activity. Whether three isoforms of NM-II (NM-IIA, -IIB, and -IIC) have the same or differential roles in bleb formation is not well understood. Here, we report that... more
Linearolactone (1) and kaempferol (2) have amebicidal activity in in vitro studies. The type of cell death induced by 1 and 2 and their effects on the virulence of E. histolytica were analyzed by transmission and confocal electron... more
The inherited muscle diseases, skeletal muscle nemaline myopathy and cardiac muscle hypertrophic myopathy (HCM) have been recognised for decades. Recently it has become apparent that mutations in almost any protein component of the... more
▪   Many pathogens actively exploit the actin cytoskeleton during infection. This exploitation may take place during entry into mammalian cells after engagement of a receptor and/or as series of signaling events culminating in the... more
Cortical actin filament (AF) organization was studied in detail in developing stomatal complexes of the grasses Zea mays and Triticum turgidum. AF arrays during the whole stomatal complex development are dynamic, partly following the... more
Motile growth cones lead growing axons through developing tissues to synaptic targets. These behaviors depend on the organization and dynamics of actin filaments that fill the growth cone leading margin (peripheral (P-) domain). Actin... more
ObjectiveMutations in the α-skeletal actin gene (ACTA1) result in a variety of inherited muscle disorders characterized by different pathologies and variable clinical phenotypes. Mutations at Val163 in ACTA1 result in pure intranuclear... more
A 38-kd protein that associates with F-actin structures in activated platelets and endothelial cells was purified, cloned, and characterized. The protein contains an N-terminal PDZ motif, a large intervening sequence, and a C-terminal LIM... more
The actin cytoskeleton is a primary determinant of cell shape and motility. Studies on actin regulatory proteins are now coupled with studies of the signal transduction that directs actin cytoskeleton reorganization, and we have gained... more
Viral infection converts the normal functions of a cell to optimize viral replication and virion production. One striking observation of this conversion is the reconfiguration and reorganization of cellular actin, affecting every stage of... more
Altered myofilament relaxation kinetics at reoxygenation. A cellular mechanism for impaired posthypoxic relaxation in isolated cardiac myocytes.
We have developed a model of cardiac thin filament activation using an Ising model approach from equilibrium statistical physics. This model explicitly represents nearest-neighbor interactions between 26 troponin/tropomyosin units along a... more