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キャラクター | 144145 | 56 this month |
Titles | 14110 | 10 this month |
メンバー | 81271 | 38 this month |
台詞 | 349153 | 500 this month |
声優 | 10564 | 17 this month |
Transcript - 311 new quotes
The Apothecary Diaries Season 2
Maomao gets summoned to have a tea with Shanlu, worker at the Inner Court clinic. Shanlu informs that a sickly laundry servant has disappeared for half a month. Investigating the disappearance, Maomao uses her skill and knowledge to pin-point the location of this servant in the Crystal Pavillion - the pavillion with the most conniving ladies-in-waiting.
With the help of the quack doctor, and with Jinshi's reccommendation letters, Maomao gets to the Crystal Pavillion and finds the sick girl hidden away in a dark shed. After helping the girl, Maomao finds illegal property inside the shed - the abortive oils that were banned in the Court.
By associating the smell of incense in the head lady-in-waiting, Shin, Maomao concludes that she is the responsible for the oils and also for the attempt on Lihua's life.
Shin is brought into interrogation, with Lihua as the judge, and Jinshi and Maomao as the interrogators!
Featuring Characters
Ailan | CV: Mari Kawano, 河野 茉莉, かわの まり | 8 lines
Emperor | CV: Daichi Endou, 遠藤大智, えんどう だいち | 2 lines
Gaoshun | CV: Katsuyuki Konishi, 小西克幸, こにし かつゆき | 2 lines
Guen | CV: Mitsuaki Kanuka, かぬか光明, かぬか みつあき | 11 lines
Gyokuyou | CV: Atsumi Tanezaki, 種﨑敦美, たねざき あつみ | 12 lines
Jinshi | CV: Takeo Ootsuka, 大塚剛央, おおつか たけお | 27 lines
Lihua | CV: Yui Ishikawa, 石川由依, いしかわ ゆい | 20 lines
Maomao | CV: Aoi Yuuki, 悠木碧, ゆうきあおい | 131 lines
Shenlu | CV: Masako Katsuki, 勝生真沙子, かつき まさこ | 17 lines
Shin | CV: Sayaka Kinoshita, 木下紗華, きのした さやか | 53 lines
Yinghua | CV: Saeko Kamijou, 上條沙恵子, かみじょうさえこ | 14 lines
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