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Swiss NEMA cipher machine

CryptoLUX is a cryptology research group within Security and Trust interdisciplinary center (SnT) and the Departement of Computer Science (CSC) of the University of Luxembourg. Professor Alex Biryukov is head of CryptoLUX and leads a team consisting of a permanent staff member (Johann Großschädl), several postdoctoral and PhD researchers. The CryptoLUX group also forms part of the Laboratory of Algorithmics, Cryptology and Security (LACS). This wiki serves as an informal platform for the presentation of ongoing research projects and the dissemination of research outcome, ex. peer-reviewed publications, tools for cryptanalysis, source code of cryptographic software. We do our best to ensure the correctness of the information provided by this wiki, but, of course, we can not guarantee that the content is suitable for any particular purpose, especially if it covers work in progress.

Mission and Vision

The mission of the CryptoLUX group is to define, conduct, and disseminate leading-edge research in cryptology (and closely related fields), and to pass the knowledge gained from research on to students and industry partners. CryptoLUX is one of the few academic research teams worldwide that possesses expertise across the full spectrum of cryptology, ranging from theoretical foundations to implementation aspects and applications. Our current research projects cover a wide variety of topics including algorithm design (block ciphers, hash functions, proofs of work), cryptanalysis, communication security and privacy enchancing technologies, financial technologies/blockchain, efficient implementations, side-channel attacks.

ESC Seminar series 2008-2017

ESC (Early Symmetric Crypto) was a set of five Dagstuhl-like seminars on symmetric cryptography that fostered collaboration among young and seasoned cryptographers. ESC took place bi-annually in January in various towns in Luxembourg, alternating with corresponding Dagstuhl seminars on Symmetric cryptography. There were around 50 attendees at each session. The program chairs of ESC were Alex Biryukov, Joan Daemen, Stefan Lucks, and Serge Vaudenay. More information can be found here: ESC seminars.

Open Positions, Jobs

We are currently looking for two post-doctoral researchers (research associates) to join the CryptoLux group in early 2025. Further information about these positions can be found on the vacancies page.

News and Announcements

See here history of past events.

January 2022 Giuseppe has defended his thesis on Security, Scalability and Privacy in Applied Cryptography (Excellent Thesis Award).

May 2022 Sergei and Alex co-authored a paper with Gleb Naumenko on Analysis and Probing of Parallel Channels in the Lightning Network which was presented at FC2022.

June 2022 Luan has defended his thesis on Design, Cryptanalysis and Protection of Symmetric Encryption Algorithms

August 2022 Alex, Je Sen and Aleksei have presented a paper on Advancing the Meet-in-the-Filter Technique: Applications to CHAM and KATAN at SAC 2022 (Windsor, Canada).

Mar 2023 Alex, Baptiste and Aleksei's paper "Cryptanalysis of ARX-based White-box Implementations" will appear at CHES'2023 (Prague, Czech).

Apr 2023 Baptiste co-authored a paper on Pitfalls and Shortcomings for Decompositions and Alignment at EUROCRYPT'23.

June 2023 Alex, Luan, Je Sen, Aleksei and Vesselin's paper "Meet-in-the-Filter and Dynamic Counting with Applications to Speck" appeared at ACNS'2023 (Kyoto, Japan)

June 2023 Aleksei and Je Sen co-chaired a workshop on "Automated Methods and Data-driven Techniques in Symmetric-key Cryptanalysis"

June 2023 Aleksei and Alex Charles' paper on breaking High order masking countermeasure will appear at CHES'2023 (Prague, Czech).

December 2023 Alex and Marius authored a paper "PURED: A Unified Framework for Resource-Hard Functions" presented by Marius at Indocrypt'2023.

June 2024 Hieu, Pablo, Aleksei and Alex wrote a paper presented at NIST Accordion workshop. Pablo gave the presentation.

August 2024 Alex co-authored a paper on Cryptanalysis of Algebraic Verifiable Delay Functions, to be presented at CRYPTO'24

September 2024 Aleksei and Alex Charles' paper on LPN-based Attacks in the White-box Setting will appear at CHES'2024 (Canada). Aleksei will also present a joint paper with CryptoExperts on OBSCURE: Versatile Software Obfuscation from a Lightweight Secure Element.

Cryptolux Seminars.

How to reach us

We are in MNO building on Belval Campus, Esch-Belval, Luxembourg. About 25 mins car drive from the Luxembourg city.