Established in 2009, the Education Program at the American Classic Arcade Museum (ACAM) has been teaching video game history to students who enjoy video games, or for students wishing to pursue a career in the video game industry. With visiting groups as small as 20 and as large as 200, ACAM tells the story of the origins of the videogame industry.
Mike Stulir, Vice President of the American Classic Arcade Museum feels that learning the basics of the birth of the industry is key for those looking to enter the videogame development workforce. “I have always maintained that it is really hard to comprehend where we are going until we fully understand where we have been. We provide an environment where students can study the games of yesterday and learn specifics of game creation from some of the people that made these games back in the late 70s/early 80s.”
Students are not the only benefactors of the ACAM educational sessions. The video game industry is always looking for fresh talent to bring new ideas to the creative and engineering aspects of video game creation. The figures for 2018 from the NPD Group and the Entertainment Software Association (ESA) show that the video game industry eclipsed the movie industry in terms of revenue. The video game industry as a whole earned $43.4 billion in revenue. That number is four times more than what the top 100 Hollywood movies earned for the same period. In order to continue that growth, the industry needs talented & knowledgeable staff.
Offering education sessions for grade school students through college students preparing for the workforce, the American Classic Arcade Museum is the perfect place to learn
If you would like to have your college, high school, vocational school or at-risk youth organization visit ACAM for a day of learning about classic games, please contact ACAM President Gary Vincent at or by phone at 603-393-7903.