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Homelessness. Medical emergencies. Natural disaster. Your donation helps children when they need it most..
We are child advocates, dedicated to releasing children from poverty in Jesus' name. Through sponsorships and donations, we empower local churches to love, care for and protect children in poverty so they're free to learn, grow, play and dream.
Well over 355 million children are trapped in poverty. Poverty damages children's growth, learning and development, preventing them from reaching their God-given potential.
But Jesus cares for the most vulnerable and calls us to do the same. At Compassion International, we're following in his footsteps.
We're a Christian child sponsorship organization working to release children from poverty by meeting their right-now and long-term needs in partnership with the local church.
Compassion International is:
In partnership with the local church, we meet each child's right-now needs, such as nutrition, medical care and encouragement, as well as their long-term needs, such as education and vocational training.
But we don't just meet a child's physical, mental and emotional needs. We also care for them spiritually by introducing them to the gospel. While children living in poverty face many challenges, eternal hope is found in Jesus. And it's Compassion's mission to share him with those in need.
With their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs met, children can become healthy, strong, confident and empowered to journey out of poverty.
We currently serve 2.3 million children (and counting) in 29 countries across Africa, Asia, Central America and the Caribbean, and South America.
Ready to get involved? You can partner with us in two powerful ways, starting today: by sponsoring a child or donating to meet a critical need.
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