Vincentian Family
The Vincentian Family comprises organizations inspired by the life and work of St. Vincent de Paul, a 17th-century priest who "transformed the face of France."
He directly founded the Confraternities of Charity (today known as the A.I.C.) the Congregation of the Mission and the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul. Frederic Ozanam, inspired by a Daughter of Charity, Rosalie Rendu, founded the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Sr. Betty Ann McNeill, D.C. has written a definitive work identifying some 268 institutes that meet at least one criterion as members of the Vincentian Family. The Vincentian Family, inter alia, has, as its incumbent head, Father G. Gregory Gay III, C.M., of Baltimore, the incumbent worldwide superior general of the Congregation of the Mission, elected during the community's general assembly (June 5–29, 2004) in Rome.
Opus Prize finalist