The next phase of refurbishment focused on the bedrooms, where new beds, carpeting, bedroom desks, LCD TVs, minibar cupboards, decorative mirrors, luggage racks, bathtub glass screens, and decorative pictures were added.
... the refurbishment of existing buildings ISIF announces €35.5m commitment to an Ireland focused real estate fund that will support urban regeneration by funding the refurbishment of existing buildings.
The final step in the refurbishment – replacement of the windows – will be done in the next few weeks ...Once the refurbishments to the lighthouse are complete, the green space at Lighthouse Point will once again be accessible to visitors year-round.
... the end of 2017 was followed by the refurbishment of the Riu Bambu in 2017, the overhaul of the Riu PalacePunta Cana in 2018 and the recent refurbishment of the Riu Palace Macao at the end of 2023.
Share your thoughts on what you would like to see in the refurbished play areas before 5pm on 23 August 2024 on EDDC's Commonplace consultation website ... would like to be included in the refurbishment.
We remind you that, until the current procedure, Hidroelectrica has carried out - starting with 2016, five other procurement processes for the refurbishment of the Vidraru hydropower plant, the main ...