Nekemte (Oromo: Naqamtee; also called Nakamti, ) is a market town and separate woreda in western Ethiopia. Located in the East Welega Zone of the Oromia Region, Nekemte has a latitude and longitude of 9°5′N 36°33′E / 9.083°N 36.550°E / 9.083; 36.550 and an elevation of 2,088 meters.
Nekemte was the capital of the former Welega Province, and is home to a museum of Wollega Oromo culture. It is a burial place of Onesimos Nesib, a famous Oromo who translated the Bible to Oromo Language for the first time, in collaboration with Aster Ganno. It is also the seat of an Apostolic Vicariate of the Roman Catholic Church. Nekemte is host city to the newly built Wollega University as of 2007. It is served by an airport that is not currently open to commercial flights.
Nekemte is at the center of the road network for south-western Ethiopia. The first major road dates to the early 1930s, with a road that extended from the capital Addis Ababa west through Addis Alem, although the road was passable only by lorries for the 255 kilometers between Addis Alem and Nekemte. A road connecting Nekemte to Gimbi, 110 kilometers in length, was part of the first stage of the Third Highway Program in 1963. Postal service for this city has been present as early as 1923. A branch of the Ethiopian Electric Light and Power Authority began providing electricity to the city by 1960. By 1957, phone service extended to the city.
Näin unta, siinä lentokone putosi
Metsän taakse, oli talvi oli pimeä
Viikon päästä siitä isä ajoi kolarin
Pässi kuoli, tiesin tätähän se merkitsi
Kului vuosi, sitten äiti joutui sairaalaan
Isoveli Helsinkiin opiskelemaan
Viikonloppuisin luin Herman Hesseä
Elämä oli muutenkin sekavaa
Heeeei, herra Nukkumatti
ei enneunia tänään kiitos
Heeeei, herra Nukkumatti
anna minun nukkua rauhassa
Näin unta Mihail Gorbatshovista
sekä Merjasta, me teimme lapsia
Kohta Mihail jäi pois politiikasta