The New Georgia Islands are part of the Western Province of the Solomon Islands. They are located to the northwest of Guadalcanal. The larger islands are mountainous and covered in rain forest. The main islands are New Georgia, Vella Lavella, Kolombangara (a dormant volcano), Ghizo, Vangunu, Rendova and Tetepare. They are surrounded by coral reefs and includes the largest salt water lagoon in the world: Marovo lagoon.
Another famous location is Kennedy Island where United States President John F. Kennedy spent three days stranded during World War II. Several of the islands were scenes of fighting in the war.
The main towns are Gizo, Munda and Noro. The main industries are forestry and fishing.
One of the smaller New Georgia islands, Ranongga, was lifted three meters (10 ft.) out of the Pacific Ocean by the 2007 Solomon Islands earthquake, causing an expansion of its shoreline by up to 70 meters all around.
The New Georgia languages are spoken on the island of New Georgia.
New Georgia is the largest island of the Western Province of the Solomon Islands. With an area of 2,037 km2, it is the 200th largest island in the world.
New Georgia island is located in the New Georgia Group, an archipelago including most of the other larger islands in the province. About 72 km (45 miles) long, it forms part of the southern boundary of the New Georgia Sound. Kolombangara lies across the Kula Gulf to the west, Vangunu is to the east, and Rendova to the south, across the Blanche Channel.
The island is rugged and heavily forested.
The central part of New Georgia is the cradle of Roviana culture. A large complex of Bao megalithic shrines and other structures was developed in the 13th century AD. Later, between the 15th and 17th centuries Roviana people moved over to smaller barrier islands at New Georgia with a hub in Nusa Roviana.
Through trade and head hunting expeditions, Nusa Roviana turned into the regional centre of power and trade. In the late 19th century the rule of the last chief of head hunters, Ingova, was overpowered by the British colonial army.