Mutsun (also known as San Juan Bautista Costanoan) is an Utian language that was spoken in Northern California. It was the primary language of a division of the Ohlone people living in the Mission San Juan Bautista area.
Ascencion Solorsano amassed large amounts of language and cultural data specific to the Mutsun. The Spaniard Father Felipe Arroyo de la Cuesta wrote extensively about the language's grammar, and linguist John Peabody Harrington made very extensive notes on the language from Solorsano. Harrington's field notes formed the basis of the grammar of Mutsun written by Marc Okrand as a University of California dissertation in 1977, which to this day remains the only grammar ever written of any Costanoan language.
The Amah Mutsun tribal band and its supporters refer to it as part of Juristac, a roughly 30,000-acre area between Gilroy and San Juan Bautista that was the ancestral home of the Amah Mutsun people ...
“In school, people in the United States and Europe learn that Gutenberg invented printing, but that’s not the case,” Faulds said ...Originally made to convert Mutsun people, the book is used now for a very different purpose.
Join Amah MutsunLandTrust to ... Spend time outdoors, meet new people, learn about invasive plants and the work of Amah Mutsun Land Trust, and help to care for the ancestral lands of the Quiroste Tribe.
We turn to historians to uncover and uplift the stories of early Chinese, Black, and Filipino county residents and to learn about the Awaswas and Mutsun speaking people.
... and glorifying the people that were responsible for the destruction and domination of the Indigenous people of these lands,” said Amah MutsunTribalBandChairValentin Lopez at the same meeting.
At the grand opening celebration on a sunny Saturday morning, AlecApodaca with the Amah MutsunLandTrust acknowledged the Awaswas people who once inhabited the area, and of which there are no living members.
Advertising Feature. This article is not produced by the newsroom ... In its early days, the area was intermittently occupied by Native peoples, including the Chalon and Mutsun tribes ... The park’s more than 30 miles of... .
... and rivers in the county and how they were once inhabited by the IndigenousOhlone and Amah Mutsun people of the region, and to surfing culture and the invention of the sport by Indigenous Hawaiians.
“For a long time, there were people on this land who managed it in a way that maybe we can learn from, right?” Cox said. The Amah MutsunLandTrust, established by the Amah Mutsun TribalBand, has ...
Only white people matter – or they matter most ...Black, brown, yellow and red people – well, we can lump them all together as a nameless, faceless mass whose lives, histories, traditions and contributions “do not matter.”.
“Our people had been there a very long, long time,” says Valentin Lopez, chair of the Amah MutsunTribalBand of Ohlone... Our people took care of those resources.” ... The Uypi people gathered acorns, blackberries, abalone and many other foods.
Provide black garbage bins that are large enough for people to use and they will ... The Amah MutsunTribalBand and ... This beautiful landscape is sacred to the Amah Mutsun and other indigenous peoples.
Seiter also noted the importance of SPUR’s collaboration with the Amah MutsunLandTrust to restore the fuel removal and cultural burning practices that Indigenous people have been practicing for ...
Through efforts like the Native Stewardship Corps, we are safeguarding Mutsun land to reconnect with what was stolen from tribal ancestors and to teach future generations the struggles and perseverance of the Amah Mutsun people.
We opposed Proposition 8 because we believe in the dignity and worth of LGBTQIA people. We join the Amah Mutsun tribe’s campaign to protect Juristac because we hold justice and freedom sacred.