Mutsun (also known as San Juan Bautista Costanoan) is an Utian language that was spoken in Northern California. It was the primary language of a division of the Ohlone people living in the Mission San Juan Bautista area.
Ascencion Solorsano amassed large amounts of language and cultural data specific to the Mutsun. The Spaniard Father Felipe Arroyo de la Cuesta wrote extensively about the language's grammar, and linguist John Peabody Harrington made very extensive notes on the language from Solorsano. Harrington's field notes formed the basis of the grammar of Mutsun written by Marc Okrand as a University of California dissertation in 1977, which to this day remains the only grammar ever written of any Costanoan language.
Vocabulary and grammar of the MutsunTribes from Monterey County, 1815 ...Originally made to convert Mutsun people, the book is used now for a very different purpose ... languages that are no longer spoken.
... loh SHOOM”) by the way, means “paradise” in the language of the indigenous CaliforniaMutsun tribe, which once resided on the lands where Grahm is sourcing his Rhône grapes.
It’s not often that a huge chunk of redwoods ecosystem gets redesigned for public recreation ... The trails are named in Awaswas, an Ohlone language, to recognize the ancestral stewardship lasting up to the present day of the Amah MutsunTribalBand ... .