In Loving Memory is a British period sitcom set in an undertakers business that starred Thora Hird and Christopher Beeny. A pilot was transmitted in 1969 by Thames Television, with Marjorie Rhodes in the Thora Hird role, who rejected the idea before it was finally accepted by Yorkshire Television nearly 10 years later, where it further ran for five series between 21 May 1979 and 27 March 1986.
The year is 1929 and in the opening episode Jeremiah Unsworth (Freddie Jones), the proprietor of the undertakers, dies. This leaves his widow Ivy (Thora Hird) and gormless nephew Billy (Christopher Beeny) to take over the business.
As might be expected, the accident-prone Ivy and Billy have numerous mishaps, and hardly a funeral goes by without something untoward occurring.
The setting for the show is the fictional Lancashire town of Oldshaw during the 1930s. The writer Dick Sharples chose this period as this was the time when undertakers were switching from horse drawn hearses to mechanical ones.
In Loving Memory may refer to:
In Loving Memory is a September 1968 gospel music compilation released by Motown Records. It is dedicated to the memory of Motown founder Berry Gordy's sister, Mrs. Loucye S. Gordy Wakefield, and features several popular Motown acts, including Diana Ross & the Supremes, The Temptations, The Miracles and Marvin Gaye, performing versions of popular gospel songs and spirituals.
Loucye Gordy Wakefield was the sister of the founder of Motown Record's Berry Gordy Jr. based in the early days in Detroit. There was a scholarship fund set up in her memory. Loucye was vice-president of Motown Record Corporation, she headed Billings & Collections, and Jobete Publishing. The original recording of In Loving Memory is a tribute to Louyce as an expression of love from Motown stars in songs who paid tribute at her funeral on July 29, 1965.
Commercially, an album, In Loving Memory was released 9/68 on Motown MT 642 in the US, also an EP on subsidiary label Chisa 60642 with 4 tracks from the album, and in the US, and in 1969 in the UK on TML 11124.
Beneath the Sky's third and final studio album, titled In Loving Memory, was released on May 11, 2010. This marks the first release after the bands short break up starting in August 2008, and ending in March 2009.
All music composed by Beneath the Sky.