Image processor
An image processor, image processing engine, also called media processor, is a specialized digital signal processor (DSP) used for image processing in digital cameras, mobile phones or other devices.
Image processors often employ parallel computing even with SIMD or MIMD technologies to increase speed and efficiency. The digital image processing engine can perform a range of tasks.
To increase the system integration on embedded devices, often it is a system on a chip with multi-core processor architecture.
Bayer transformation
The photodiodes employed in an image sensor are color-blind by nature: they can only record shades of grey. To get color into the picture, they are covered with different color filters: red, green and blue (RGB) according to the pattern designated by the Bayer filter - named after its inventor. As each photodiode records the color information for exactly one pixel of the image, without an image processor there would be a green pixel next to each red and blue pixel. (Actually, with most sensors there are two green for each blue and red diodes.)