The untitled tenth episode of the second season of the television series 30 Rock was first broadcast in the United States on January 10, 2008, on the NBC network. The episode was written by show runner Robert Carlock and Donald Glover, and was directed by Richard Shepard. Guest stars include James Arden, Julia Barnett, Kevin Brown, James Cavanagh Burke, Grizz Chapman, Edie Falco, Toby Huss and Gladys Knight, who appeared as herself. The episode focuses on Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) and her decision to invest in real-estate, Jack Donaghy's (Alec Baldwin) choice between his job and his girlfriend, and Kenneth Parcell's (Jack McBrayer) addiction to coffee.
The production and broadcasting of this episode was heavily affected by the 2007–2008 Writers Guild of America strike. Despite never being officially named by NBC, Episode 210 has been unofficially titled "Liz the Business Woman" and "Coffee & TV". Although not unanimously praised by critics, the episode attracted generally positive reviews and was particularly appreciated for its cast rendition of the 1973 Gladys Knight & the Pips hit "Midnight Train to Georgia". Liz also sings a snippet of Alanis Morissette's "You Oughta Know" when leaving a message for the co-op board.
I have, I have spoken
Enjoy the black demise
Betray, you betrayers
Taste life blood from your own kind
Ignite waiting darkness
What you fear comes alive
Dry lips, chant damnation
Driving man to self destruction
No one can save you now
Behold the black demise
Cursed gods have forsaken
The lands of ruined mankind
Invades human nature
This lost and perfect rapture
Evil domination
Driving man to self destruction
Enjoy the black demise!!!
Taste life blood from your own side
Feel your flesh burning inside
Darkness blinds your perception
Driving man to self destruction