Emamzadeh Taher (Persian: امامزاده طاهر ) is located in Iran in the town of Karaj, is one of the most famous cemeteries in Iran.
Many prominent figures of Iranian literature, art and culture are interred here, including:
Taher (Arabic: الطاهير, Al-Tahir; Algerian Arabic: أطًهير), is Algerian city, the industrial center of Jijel Province, with its industrial area of Ouled Salah, the airport of Achouat-Ferhat Abbas and the port of Djen Djen.
The municipality of Taher is located in the north of Jijel Province.
Taher is composed of several locations:
The present city is located on the site of an ancient city - dating back to Ottoman period - it was built on aboriginal lands hunted in the nearby mountains, after the revolt of 1871 (see revolt Mokrani) time of occupation of Algeria by France, whose population was expropriated, including: the plain of Oued Djen-djen, Telata, the Ouled Bel Afou, Wadi Nile Beni Afar, Beni Siar, Beni khatab, and the immediate vicinity of the The current city
Sidi Yahia Mosque in downtown of Taher.
In Islamic context, Taher (alternatively spelled Tahir and Tahar in French; Arabic: طاهر, Ṭāhir; pronounced [tˤɑːˈher] pronounced [tˤɑːˈhɪr] or [Ṭāher]) refers to purity and cleanliness in accordance with religious rituals. It is also a name in several Islamic cultures.