1036 Ganymed
1036 Ganymed is the largest near-Earth asteroid, at about 32–34 km in diameter. It was discovered by Walter Baade on October 23, 1924. It has a very well determined orbit, and its next pass of the Earth will be at a distance of 0.374097 AU (55,964,100 km; 34,774,500 mi) on 13 October 2024. It is an Amor asteroid, and also a Mars-crosser asteroid, and will pass 0.02868 AU (4,290,000 km; 2,666,000 mi) from Mars on 16 December 2176.
Ganymed is the German spelling of Ganymede, the Trojan prince turned god whom Zeus designated the cupbearer to the Greek gods. Jupiter's moon Ganymede is named after the same, but uses the English spelling.
Physical characteristics
Owing to its early discovery date, Ganymed has a rich observational history. A 1931 paper published the absolute magnitude, based on observations to date, as 9.24, slightly brighter than the present value of 9.45. Ganymed is an S-type asteroid, meaning that it is relatively reflective and composed of iron and magnesium silicates. Spectral measurements put Ganymed in the S (VI) spectral subtype, indicating a surface rich in orthopyroxenes, and possibly metals (although if metals are present they are covered and not readily apparent in the spectra).