Gabbar Singh is a 2012 Indian Telugu action-comedy film produced by Bandla Ganesh under the Parameswara Art Productions and directed by Harish Shankar. The lead actors include Pawan Kalyan and Shruti Haasan in lead roles alongside Kota Srinivasa Rao, Abhimanyu Singh in supporting roles. The film is an adaptation of the 2010 Hindi film Dabangg. The film is about a police cop renamed himself as "Gabbar Singh" after the famous villain revolting against a dreaded goon. In the process, he lose his mother and has a hatred towards his step-father and step-brother. Rest of the plot revolves around Gabbar and his clash with Siddhappa.
Devi Sri Prasad composed the film's music and Jayanan Vincent was the film's cinematographer. The film was made with the budget of ₹30 crore (US$4.4 million) and was formally launched on 18 August 2011 at Hyderabad. The filming was primarily held at Pollachi.
The film was released on 11 May 2012 to positive reviews and became a large commercial success, grossing ₹128 crore (US$19 million) worldwide with a distributor Share of ₹70 crore (US$10 million)(Share) and thus becoming one of highest grossing Telugu films. It was dubbed in Hindi as Policewala Gunda by Goldmine Telefilms in 2013. Its sequel titled Sardaar Gabbar Singh is currently under production.
Gabbar Singh may refer to:
Sukhwinder ("Gabbar") Singh (born November 15, 1978 in Batala, India) is a male field hockey player, who is a member of the Canada national field hockey team that won the gold medal at the 2007 Pan American Games. He plays in the Premier League in Vancouver, Canada for United Brothers Field Hockey Club. Gabbar started playing hockey in India at a young age and by the time he reached his late teenage years, he was already playing for Punjabi Police, a well recognized team in India. His recent matches are his Australian tour and also the 7 test seies against India in British Columbia, Canada