Alternating group
In mathematics, an alternating group is the group of even permutations of a finite set. The alternating group on the set {1,...,n} is called the alternating group of degree n, or the alternating group on n letters and denoted by An or Alt(n).
Basic properties
For n > 1, the group An is the commutator subgroup of the symmetric group Sn with index 2 and has therefore n ! / 2 elements. It is the kernel of the signature group homomorphism sgn : Sn → {1, −1} explained under symmetric group.
The group An is abelian if and only if n ≤ 3 and simple if and only if n = 3 or n ≥ 5. A5 is the smallest non-abelian simple group, having order 60, and the smallest non-solvable group.
The group A4 has a Klein four-group V as a proper normal subgroup, namely the identity and the double transpositions {(), (12)(34), (13)(24), (14)(23) }, and maps to A3 = C3, from the sequence V → A4 → A3 = C3. In Galois theory, this map, or rather the corresponding map S4 → S3, corresponds to associating the Lagrange resolvent cubic to a quartic, which allows the quartic polynomial to be solved by radicals, as established by Lodovico Ferrari.