Ab 18 [Over 18] is the sixth album by Die Ärzte. It is an EP compilation of which three songs were put in the German List of Media Harmful to Young People. The album was indexed on December 10.
The indexed songs were, at the time, "Geschwisterliebe", "Claudia hat 'nen Schäferhund" and "Schlaflied". By now - February 2012, only "Geschwisterliebe" is in the index.
Ab 18 includes, among other things, the indexed song "Geschwisterliebe" and "Claudia hat 'nen Schäferhund" at the time of the release of the album songs indexed and "Schlaflied". Other songs of the record are "Sweet Sweet Gwendoline", which already appeared on Die Ärzte and was not indicated, however, was controversial because of the glorification of sadomasochism was, as well as new songs, "Sie kratzt, sie stinkt sie klebt"," Helmut K. ", is claiming that Helmut Kohl tyrannize his wife, and from which it later falsely stated that it had been banned in Bavaria, and "Claudia II", the sequel to "Claudia hat nen Schäferhund." After the suicide of Hannelore Kohl In 2001, Die Ärzte distanced themselves from the song "Helmut K." and played it a few years no longer at their concerts until she on 29 December 2006 at the concert in SO36 in Berlin took back into the set.
William "Smokey" Robinson & Warren Moore
Ooo la, la, la, la.
I did you wrong, my heart went out to play
and in the game I lost you; what a price to pay.
I'm cryin'.
Oooh, baby, baby. Oooh, baby, baby.
Mistakes, I know I've made a few,
but I'm only human. You've made mistakes too.
I'm cryin'.
Oooh, baby, baby. Oooh, baby, baby.
Ooh, baby, baby. Ooh, baby.
I'm just about at the end of my rope.
But, I can't stop tryin'.
I can't give up hope.
'cause I feel someday I'll hold you near,
whisper I still love you.
Until that day is here, I'm cryin'
Oooh, baby, baby. Oooh, baby, baby.
Oooh, baby, baby. Oooh, baby, baby.
Oooh, baby, baby. Oooh, baby, baby.