The American Equal Rights Association (AERA) was formed in 1866 in the United States. According to its constitution, its purpose was "to secure Equal Rights to all American citizens, especially the right of suffrage, irrespective of race, color or sex." Some of the more prominent reform activists of that time were members, including women and men, blacks and whites.
The AERA was created by the Eleventh National Women's Rights Convention, which transformed itself into the new organization. Leaders of the women's movement had earlier suggested the creation of a similar equal rights organization through a merger of their movement with the American Anti-Slavery Society, but that organization did not accept their proposal.
The AERA conducted two major campaigns during 1867. In New York, which was in the process of revising its state constitution, AERA workers collected petitions in support of women's suffrage and the removal of property requirements that discriminated specifically against black voters. In Kansas they campaigned for referenda that would enfranchise African Americans and women. In both places they encountered increasing resistance to the campaign for women's suffrage from former abolitionist allies who viewed it as a hindrance to the immediate goal of winning suffrage for African American men. The Kansas campaign ended in disarray and recrimination, creating divisions between those who worked primarily for the rights of African Americans and those who worked primarily for the rights of women, and also creating divisions within the women's movement itself.
Stand up for justice and equality
Stand up for equal rights, yeaah
Stand up for equal opportunity
Brothers don't you give up the fight
:: Chorus ::
Don't silence your voice
Don't let them rob you of your human rights
Don't silence your voice
Don't let them rob you of your human rights
:: Chorus ::
Stand up for equal opportunity
Stand up for equal rights, yeaaah
Stand up for peace and harmony
Sisters don't you give up the fight
Oh no no no - Stand up for your rights!
Oh yeah yeah yeah - Stand up!
Oh no no no - Stand Up for your rights!
Oh no no no - Stand Up for your rights!
Stand up! Stand up for your rights!
Stand up! Stand up for your rights!
Stand up for justice and equality
Stand up for equal rights, yeaah
Stand up for equal opportunity
No matter if you're black or you're white
Oh yeah yeah yeah - Stand up!
Oh no no no
Stand up for justice and equality
Stand up for equal rights, yeaah
Stand up for equal opportunity
No matter if you're black or you're white
Oh no no no - Stand up!
Oh no no no - Stand up!
Oh no no no - Stand up! And Fight!
Oh no no no - Stand up!
Oh yeah yeah yeah - Stand up!
Oh no no no - Stand up!
Oh no no no - And Fight!
Stand up! Stand up! Stand up! And fight!