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Amigos are part of a game mechanic in Sword of Mana.


Players can connect two GameBoy Advance systems via a Game Link cable and select the Communication entry on the title screen in both games to register each player on their respective save file, exchanging data. Registering their first Amigo will grant the player an Amigo Whistle. The number of Amigos can be viewed in Popoi's Notebook.

Calling Friends[edit]

Summoning Amigos

Once the player has the Amigo Whistle, they can summon their Amigos once per real-time day via the instrument found in the mystery item section of the Ring Menu. Calling their Amigos can make them rain down a screen-wide pogo-stick bouncing attack that will hit all enemies. The stronger the Amigo was during the last connection, the stronger the attack will be.

Seven Wisdoms[edit]

Players can earn rare items after collecting multiple Amigos, allowing them to summon each of the Seven Wisdom characters from Legend of Mana. Each summon can be called upon by selecting their respective card from the Ring Menu. Summons do massage damage to all enemies on the screen as well as inflicting a corresponding Status ailment.

The table below shows how many Amigos are required to obtain each summon card.

Amigos Summon Item Attribute Side Effect
Selva Card
Wind Numb
Pokiehl Card
Fire FireMan
Tote Card
Water SnowMan
Rosiotti Card
Wood Sleep
Olbohn Card
Moon Wimp
Gaia Card
Earth Petrify
Matilda Card
Light Charm
