Scout taunts
“Gotta move that gear up!” This article may contain content that is out of date. You can help improve this article by updating the content as necessary. See the wiki style guide. Notes: Add rest of Commending Clap voice lines. |
Taunts are character-specific animations that can be manually triggered in-game. The Scout has several taunts, all of which are listed below with applicable voicelines and a description of the animation. This does not include voice responses or voice commands.
Associated items | Description | |
The Scout slaps his thigh as if riding a horse and shouts: |
Associated item | Description | |
The Scout jogs in place, checking both his neck pulse and an imaginary watch while saying: |
Associated items | Description | |
The Scout jogs in place, checking both his neck pulse and an imaginary watch while saying: |
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Activates upon primary fire only. The Scout takes a refreshing gulp of radioactive energy, activating the drink's associated effect, and says one of his special responses, depending on the drink. |
Associated items | Description | |
The Scout spreads his arms before jerking his left hand downwards with a motion while saying: |
Associated items | Description | Kill icon | |
Main article: Grand Slam
The Scout points to the sky, winds up and swings his bat. If an enemy is successfully hit, a loud "Bonk!" is heard, followed by a round of applause. |
Associated item | Description | |
The Scout takes his melee weapon and proceeds to spin it around with both hands while saying: |
Associated item | Description | |
The Scout rides a skateboard around, occasionally doing the shaka sign. Pressing primary and alt-fire (default keys: MOUSE1 and MOUSE2, respectively) makes him perform different tricks.
Intro Shaka sign
Ending The player continuously moves forward during this taunt, only being able to turn left and right. |
Associated item | Description | |
While the Scout dances, one of those tunes starts to play:
The Scout starts dancing on the ground while saying or singing:
Then after that, he makes a shrug gesture while saying: |
Associated item | Description | |
The Scout takes out a pogo stick and starts bouncing with it. Pressing MOUSE1 makes the Scout to do a back flip, while pressing MOUSE2 makes him to jump in the air and spin the pogo stick. The player can freely move around, albeit slower than usual, during this taunt.
Back flip
Spin trick
Outro |
Associated item | Description | |
The Scout swings his arms from left to right while moving his lower torso upward and to the same side as the arms. |
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The Scout pulls out a bucket of fried chicken, says a line, eats a drumstick, then throws the bucket and meat away. |
Associated item | Description | |
The Scout blows a whistle for about a second, before raising a red card high up with his right hand, pointing to it with his left index finger, and shaking his head. He then points forward with his left index finger, then back over his shoulder with his left thumb.
Associated sound effects |
Associated item | Description | |
The Scout autographs a photo of himself before tossing it forward and striking a pose.
Autographing photo
Tossing photo |
Associated item | Description | |
A tombstone with a $5 price tag behind it, that reads either "RIP CHUCKLENUTS NOT FAST ENOUGH" on the RED team or "HERE LIES DUMBASS HE NEVER SCORED" on the BLU team, appears behind the Scout, who crouches down and performs a V "peace" sign beside it before pushing it over. |
Associated item | Description | |
The Scout takes out a pair of bongo drums, sits on the ground, and plays them.
Intro Playing
Outro |
Associated item | Description | |
The Scout takes out a team-colored sign with "THIS WAY!" written on it and proceeds to quickly spin it around. Pressing MOUSE1 makes the Scout tell his teammates to go left, while pressing MOUSE2 makes him tell them to go right.
Intro Spinning
Go left Go right Outro |
Associated item | Description | |
The Scout grabs a football before flipping and throwing it against the ground, then does a victory dance.
Outro |
Associated item | Description | |
A creature resembling a Bread monster partially comes out of the Scout's chest, causing him to have a mini freak-out. The creature goes back inside the Scout, who then shivers.
Creature noises
Freaking out
Shiver |
Associated item | Description | |
The Scout raises a team-colored plastic cup while exclaiming "Oh yeah!" He makes a toast before drinking, tilting back and holding the cup with his pinkie finger out. Once he's done, he says "Sweet!", crushes the cup against his own head, and drops it onto the ground. |
Associated item | Description | |
The Scout slowly claps, before giving an enthusiastic finger gun.
Clapping |
Associated item | Description | |
The Scout leans back a little and puts his arms out and forms a square with his fingers, trying to visualize the scene in front of him in a frame or a screen. |
Associated item | Description | |
The Scout bends his knees slightly with his hands interlocked to form a platform for players to flip themselves off. If he is being flipped, the Scout performs a somersault in mid-air.
Preparing to flip
Flipping another player
Being flipped After flipping |
Associated item | Description | |
The Scout raises his hand and says: He then shakes his hand before slapping the other player's, and finishes with a small punch to the air in front of him. |
Associated item | Description | |
The Scout plays a sting and an unchoked cymbal, then tosses the right drum stick up and catches it as it falls, saying a short quip: |
Associated item | Description | |
The Scout covers his face with both hands and begins to cry. He then gestures forward with both hands open, palms up, while looking to the sides and saying "This did not just happen!" |
Associated item | Description | |
The Scout engages in an intense battle of Rock, Paper, Scissors.
Initiating a throw
Starting the throw Win (Condition-specific)
Loss |
Associated item | Description | |
The Scout shrieks, jumps back, and makes a scared pose.
Shrieks Outro |
Associated item | Description | |
The Scout points with both hands, laughs, and leaps while spinning in a circle. |
Associated item | Description | |
The Scout takes out a staff with a skull on its top and a tag reading "99¢" while quickly stomping the ground. He spins and attempts to cast a Blast Jump spell with the staff, fails to create anything but green sparkles, and then groans in disappointment before putting the staff away. |
Associated item | Description | |
The Scout summons a guitar and plays an intense solo as flames and lightning spout from behind. |
Associated item | Description | |
The Scout gestures towards his head and then performs a head butt with another player.
Initiating a head butt After a head butt |
Associated item | Description | |
The Scout swings his partner 'round and 'round while saying:
Starting a dance
During the dance
Dance's end |
Associated item | Description | |
The Scout yells out in anger, stomps his feet multiple times, and then throws his hands up in despite. |
Associated item | Description | |
The Scout jumps into a team-colored bumper car. Pressing MOUSE1 makes him honk the car's horn. The player can freely move around, albeit slowly, during this taunt. |
Associated item | Description | |
A wooden cutout of a Yeti appears roaring in front of the Scout. He tries punching it, but hurts his hand and falls to his knees while holding his wrist. He looks angrily to the cutout, which explodes on its own; the explosion scares the Scout, causing him to jump back up.
Cutout appears Before hitting a Yeti: Cutout destroyed Defeated roar |
Associated item | Description | |
The Scout pulls out a witch's broom and proceeds to ride it, hovering above the ground. The player can freely move around, albeit slowly, during this taunt. |
Associated item | Description | |
The Scout leans back while pointing at the Soldier with both hands and saying "Hey, hey! Yeah!" He then hops at the Soldier, and opens his arms low and to the sides. When the Soldier snaps his neck, his head turns 180°, with his body following right after, as he lets out a pained grunt; he then falls belly down into the ground, with another grunt, then gets back up and exclaims "Dat...really freakin' hurt!" |
Update history
- [Undocumented] Added a taunt used by the Sandman.
- Fixed the BONK!! particles appearing in the air when the bat's taunt kill is used on a target.
September 30, 2010 Patch (Mann-Conomy Update)
- [Undocumented] Added an unused "high-five" taunt.
May 5, 2011 Patch (Replay Update)
- Added Director's Vision taunt.
June 23, 2011 Patch (Über Update)
- Added Schadenfreude taunt.
- [Undocumented] Added laughing animations.
- [Undocumented] The Atomizer was assigned the Grand Slam taunt.
October 13, 2011 Patch (Manniversary Update & Sale)
- Added High Five! taunt.
- Added Shred Alert taunt.
June 18, 2014 Patch (Love & War Update)
- Added Conga, Square Dance, Skullcracker, Flippin' Awesome, Rock, Paper, Scissors, Battin' A Thousand, and Deep Fried Desire taunts.
July 2, 2015 Patch (Gun Mettle Update)
- The Kazotsky Kick was added to the game.
October 6, 2015 Patch (Invasion Community Update)
- The Burstchester was added to the game.
October 28, 2015 Patch (Scream Fortress 2015)
- The Zoomin' Broom was added to the game.
- Updated taunts to prevent movement during the pre-round period when players are frozen
- Added Boston Breakdance taunt.
December 17, 2015 Patch (Tough Break Update)
- Added Mannrobics taunt.
July 7, 2016 Patch #1 (Meet Your Match Update)
- Added Carlton taunt.
October 21, 2016 Patch (Scream Fortress 2016)
- Added Second Rate Sorcery taunt.
- Added Victory Lap taunt.
October 20, 2017 Patch #1 (Jungle Inferno Update)
- Added 2 official taunts: Yeti Punch and Yeti Smash.
December 21, 2017 Patch (Smissmas 2017)
- The Bunnyhopper, the Runner's Rhythm, and the Trackman's Touchdown were added to the game.
October 19, 2018 Patch (Scream Fortress X)
- The Scooty Scoot was added to the game.
December 3, 2020 Patch (Smissmas 2020)
- The Boston Boarder, Spin-to-Win, and Fist Bump were added to the game.
October 5, 2021 Patch (Scream Fortress 2021)
- The Homerunner's Hobby was added to the game.
October 5, 2022 Patch (Scream Fortress 2022)
- The Scaredy-cat! was added to the game.
July 12, 2023 Patch (Summer 2023 Update)
- The Killer Signature and the Killer Joke were added to the game.
October 9, 2023 Patch (Scream Fortress 2023)
- The Neck Snap was added to the game.
December 7, 2023 Patch (Smissmas 2023)
- The Foul Play, Cheers!, and Mourning Mercs were added to the game.
July 18, 2024 Patch (Summer 2024 Update)
- The Unleashed Rage was added to the game.
October 11, 2024 Patch (Scream Fortress 2024)
- The Commending Clap and Peace Out were added to the game.
- The taunt that the Sandman and Atomizer use is a reference to Babe Ruth's famous called shot.
See also