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Revision as of 00:45, 29 July 2023 by Tantek (talk | contribs) (+ Social Web Incubator Community Group)

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Welcome to Mozilla's standards participation page.

This is a directory of standards organizations and their working groups, listing who at Mozilla is working with each.

For a technology summary see the technologies page, for Mozilla’s positions on particular specifications, see:

Current discussions of Mozilla positions:

The lists below are organized alphabetically by standards body and working group (if any), with Mozilla participants and specifications they edit/author/contribute to.

If you’re a Mozillian actively & directly participating in a standards body (working group email list, IRC, wiki, and/or f2f meetings), please add yourself to the specific standards body / working group if any), linking to your wiki User: page. If you’re working in multiple working groups or standards organizations, add yourself to each.




Web Standards Coordination

General Participation Guidelines

If you'd like to participate in some of these groups, or at least watch, learn, get up to speed, you can almost always do so by lurking on the public IRC channels and mailing lists that the groups use. Many (most?) standards mailing lists can often be overwhelming in quantity, depth so start with IRC as that's often lighter-weight and easier to watch for quick bits of info/knowledge.

Ecma International



Specifications: ECMA-262

TC39 - TG2 (Internationalization)


Specifications: ECMA-402


Coordination: Martin Thomson

CALEXT (iCalendar)

  • Philipp Kewisch


  • Valentin Gosu


  • Byron Campen
  • Randell Jesup


  • Dennis Jackson

ISOC Advisory Council

Please contact Martin Thomson for any inquiries.



microformats and microformats wiki

Community participants:


  • hCard - implemented in Firefox DOM
  • hCalendar - implemented in Firefox DOM
  • ... and many others.




The W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) has Working Groups (WGs), Interest Groups (IGs), and Community Groups (CGs). See below for details and please add any/all of such groups here in alphabetical order by working group name.

For the sake of focus and brevity, only W3C WGs are listed here inline, along with any complementary IGs or CGs that are paired with them.

Community and Interest Groups

Main article: Standards/w3c-interest-community-groups

W3C CGs or IGs not tied directly to an active WG are documented on a separate page:

Advisory Board

W3C Advisory Board (AB) — elected members

The AB drives W3C process improvements in these groups:

Process Community Group

W3C Process Community Group publicly discusses (wiki, GitHub repo, list), proposes, and makes changes to the W3C Process. Delegated authority from the AB (some members of which overlap with the CG), which retains overall (dis)approval of W3C Process iterations before proposing to the AC.

Vision Task Force

Advisory Committee

See Advisory Committee Representative Directory (W3C Member-only link) for who else is an AC Rep from which other organizations.

ARIA Working Group


  • James Teh

Audio Working Group


  • Matthew Gregan
  • Paul Adenot (Spec Editor)

The Audio Working Group works in conjuction with the Audio Community Group:

Audio Community Group

Media Working Group

Audiovisual Media Formats for Browsers Community Group

Browser Testing and Tools Working Group

Browser Testing and Tools Working Group homepage, Charter, Mailing list, Mailing list archive


  • WebDriver - APIs for remote controlling web browsers
  • (link?) APIs for use in debugging of web applications

CSS Working Group

Cascading Style Sheets Working Group (CSSWG), members, irc, email list

  • Looking for where we prioritize our CSS development? See: CSS:Priorities

Working group members participating on behalf of Mozilla (also on w3c-css-wg)

Additional www-style list participants related to Mozilla (anyone is welcome to join)


For more details see: CSS

GPU for the Web Working Group (WebGPU)

Everyone listed above is also in the CG below:

GPU for the Web Community Group The following are only in the CG:

  • Nicolas Silva (:nical)
  • Erich Gubler (:egubler)
  • Teodor Tanasoaia (:teoxoy)

Internationalization Working Group

Internationalization Working Group (members), part of Internationalization Activity (i18n)

  • Eemeli Aro
  • Erik Nordin

Pointer Events Working Group

Pointer Events Working Group home page (members). Participants:

Service Workers Working Group

Service Workers Working Group home page (members). Participants:

SVG Working Group

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) Working Group, charter expired and WG in-limbo, members

  • Jonathan Watt

Specifications: SVG 1.1, SVG 2.0

Web Applications Security Working Group

  • Frederik Braun
  • Christoph Kerschbaumer
  • Daniel Veditz
  • Paul Zühlcke

Specifications: CSP, Mixed-Content Blocking, SRI, Permission Policy, HTML Sanitizer

Web Applications Working Group

WebApps WG home page — (members)

Related incubator group: Web Platform Incubator Community Group

WebAssembly Working Group


WebAssembly Community Group (members)

  • Ryan Hunt

Web Authentication Working Group

WebAuthn homepage

  • Dan Veditz

Web Editing Working Group

Web Editing WG participants

Web Fonts Working Group

Web Fonts Working Group homepage (members)

  • Jonathan Kew (former editor)

Web Payments Working Group

Web Payments Working Group homepage (members)

  • No one from Mozilla currently.

Web Performance Working Group

  • Benjamin De Kosnik
  • Sean Feng

Specifications: Navigation Timing, Paint Timing, Event Timing, Element Timing

Specifications: DOM-adjacent Specifications: Timing control for script-based animations (requestAnimationFrame)

WebRTC Working Group

WebRTC (Web Real Time Communications) Working Group

  • Maire Reavy
  • Randell Jesup (:jesup)
  • Paul Adenot
  • Jan-Ivar Bruaroey (co-chair)
  • Karl Tomlinson
  • Martin Thomson

W3C home page

Specifications: Media Capture and Streams

Specifications: WebRTC 1.0: Real-Time Communication Between Browsers

Long tail of other specs.

WebTransport Working Group

WebTransport Working Group

  • Jan-Ivar Bruaroey (co-chair)
  • Martin Thomson
  • Randell Jesup (:jesup)

Specifications: WebTransport

Specifications: Media Capture Stream with Worker Extensions mediacapture-worker APIs

Portable Network Graphics Working Group

(in the process of being chartered)

Please contact Tantek Çelik if you have specific needs here and I’ll route your request as needed. -t

Technical Architecture Group

  • No current Mozilla participants.

Please contact Tantek Çelik if you have specific needs here and I’ll route your request as needed. -t


Main article: WHATWG


Alliance for Open Media (AOM)

The Alliance for Open Media develops next-generation media formats, codecs, and technologies. See also #NETVC.

  • Daniel Nazer (Mozilla's representative on AOM's Board)

CA/Browser Forum

The CA/Browser Forum produces standards in the area of best practice and validation for certificate authorities.

  • Kathleen Wilson
  • Ben Wilson


Mozilla is a member of CalConnect, The Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium, which is not actually affiliated w/ IETF or W3C but in practice drives development and interoperability testing of IETF specs:

See their Index to Calendaring and Scheduling Standards for other specific standards that CalConnect is involved with.

eIDAS Regulation

The eIDAS Regulation places requirements on electronic identification and trust services. Our goal is to keep the TLS requirements/framework separate and independent from eIDAS and Qualified Website Authentication Certificates (QWACs).

  • Ben Wilson
  • Kathleen Wilson
  • Dennis Jackson
  • Udbhav Tiwari


  • No current Mozilla point of contact


Mozilla is not formally associated with the XSF but has representation indirectly.

  • No direct involvement by any current Mozillian


C++ is standardized by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21 (informally, the "C++ Standards Committee"). All proposals are publically available here.

Botond Ballo is a member of Canada's delegation to the Committee, and has been attending meetings regularly since September 2013. If you have any feedback about any existing proposal, or would like to explore the idea of putting forth a new proposal, please post to dev-platform and cc Botond.

FIDO Alliance

Mozilla is a member of the FIDO Alliance, which produces hardware specifications for Web Authentication.

  • Dan Veditz


Main article: Standards/emeritus

See: Standards/emeritus for lists of former Mozillians who worked on standards, and former standards groups or organizations.

subpages of Standards

See Also