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Add Network Location to This PC in Windows 10

Windows 10 supports adding a network location to the This PC folder. A special shortcut will be created which will be visible in This PC along with mapped network drives under "Network locations". It can point to a web site, an FTP server, or a network share.

A Network Location shortcut in This PC is similar to a mapped network drive, but it has a number of differences. While both the mapped network drive and the Network Location shortcut would point to a resource on your network, there won't be a drive letter assigned to the shortcut. For some network locations, you will be prompted to enter network credentials every time you connect.

To add a Network Location to This PC in Windows 10, do the following.

  1. Open This PC in File Explorer.
  2. In the Ribbon user interface, click the Computer tab. There, you will find the command Add a network location. Click it.Add Network Location RibbonTip: If you have disabled the Ribbon user interface, you can right-click This PC and select Add a network location from the context menu.Add Network Location Context Menu
  3. The Add Network Location wizard will be opened. Click the Next button.Add Network Location Wizard
  4. On the next page, click Choose a custom network location to select the target destination of your shortcut.Choose Network Locaiton
  5. Type the desired network location address on the next page.Enter Network Locaiton Address
  6. Depending on your location type, specify the credentials for the location if required.
  7. On the next page, type the desired name for your location.Name Your Network Location
  8. The last page will allow you to open the location directly. Untick the checkbox "Open this network location when I click Finish".Network Location Wizard Finish Page

The network location shortcut will be visible in This PC.

Network Location Shortcut In This PC

The shortcut you have created will be placed under the following folder:

%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Network Shortcuts

You can copy the line above and paste it into the address bar of File Explorer to open it directly.

Network Location Shortcut In File Explorer

Tip: This way, you can put a shortcut to any local folder or app in the Network Shortcuts folder, and it will be visible in This PC!

For example, I will add Notepad there. See the following screenshot.Network Location Notepad Shortcut In File ExplorerNetwork Location Notepad Shortcut In This PC

To delete the Network Location shortcut from This PC, use one of the following methods.

  • Right click the shortcut in This PC and select Delete from the context menu.Delete Network Location This PC
  • Open the folder mentioned above and delete the shortcut from there.Delete Network Location File Explorer

That's it.

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Author: Sergey Tkachenko

Sergey Tkachenko is a software developer who started Winaero back in 2011. On this blog, Sergey is writing about everything connected to Microsoft, Windows and popular software. Follow him on Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube.

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