aceofwhump aceofwhump Heroes 3x04 3x04heroespeter petrellinathan petrelliclaire bennetmilo ventimigliaadrian pasdarhayden panettieretorturestrapped to a tablerestrainedtied upmedical restraintscutsshirtlessbloodpainscreamingrescuedqueued post
aceofwhump aceofwhump Hudson & Rex 2x14, 3x04, 3x09 2x143x043x09hudson and rexhudson & rexcharlie hudsonjohn reardonfeardrowningcan't breathesuffocationtrappedtrapped underwaterburied alivecollapsed buildingcoffinscreamingjust remembered i have not yet caught up with the recent season
arachnidfellow-deactivated20230 arachnidfellow THE BOYS3x04 | glorious five year plan 3x04the boysbilly butcherhughie campbellkimikofrenchiemother's milkglowy eyespowersthe boys spoilersqueued post
soldierboys soldierboys We only have each other. It’s you and me.THE BOYS | 3x04 - “Glorious Five Year Plan” they deserve to be happy 🥹3x04the boyskimiko x frenchiekimikofrenchiereblogging this… for reasons!the boys spoilers
christophernolan becauseofthebowties KIMIKO and FRENCHIE in THE BOYS | 3.04 Glorious Five Year Plan the way they protect each other♥️i love them3x04the boyskimiko x frenchiekimikofrenchiethe boys spoilers
Charmed s03e04: Harry gets kidnapped and injured by a magical beast. “No, no, no…Harry! Harry! Can you hear me?”“Is he breathing?” “I don’t know. I can’t get close enough to check. —Oh gosh! he’s wounded. It looks septic.” whumpeditwhumpcharmedharry greenwoodrupert evanscharmed 20183x04my gifsfearkidnappedattackedinjuredmagicworrybloodunconsciousmagic potionrescuedcoughingheavy breathingweaknot liking this new plot where they are allergic to each other so they can’t touch 😿so wanted macy to touch whumpy harry like cradle him or support him or sth lolglad we got another harry whump tholove whumpy harry!!!more please😍
aceofwhump aceofwhump Teen Wolf 3x04 - Isaac has a claustrophobia induced panic attack after being trapped inside a supply closet 3x04teen wolfisaac laheydaniel sharmanpanic attackptsdscreamingtrappedfear
aceofwhump homeforsam “Not a big fan of small spaces.” 3x043x12teen wolfisaac laheydaniel sharmanclaustrophobiafearscreamingcollapsed buildingemotional whumpqueued post
cherylblossom cherylblossom “You can say it, Sabrina. Hell. I went to Hell. I took the Dark Lord inside me.” 3x04chilling adventures of sabrinanick scratchgavin leatherwoodangerptsdpost torturetears
Da Vinci’s Demons s03e04: Leo gets kidnapped and tortured [Part 2][Part 1]**requested gifs** whumpeditwhump3x04da vinic’s demonsleonardo da vincitom rileymy gifstorturedhallucinationpoisonbloodeye injuryunconscioussupportedface touchingwaking upeye sorepainrequested gifs