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The best museums in Liechtenstein in February 2025

These are the top 5 best museums in Liechtenstein, ranked by their rating and popularity in 2025. Click a museum for more information about the museum, including visitor information, exhibitions and reviews.

For a complete overview of museums in Liechtenstein, their exhibitions and discount cards & passes, see our overview page with all museums in Liechtenstein.

Looking for the best museums in Liechtenstein? These are the best ones:

  1. Postal Museum1

    Postal Museum

    The Postal Museum of the Principality of Liechtenstein, also known as Postmuseum des Fürstentums Liechtenstein, is situated in Vaduz, the capital city of Liechtenstein. This museum is a significant destination for those interested in the history of postal services and philately.
  2. Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein2

    Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein

    The Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, located in Vaduz, is the state museum for modern and contemporary art. It houses a significant collection of international modern and contemporary art, making it a key destination for art enthusiasts. The museum was opened in 2000 and has since been a hub for art lovers from around the world.
  3. Liechtenstein National Museum3

    Liechtenstein National Museum

    The Liechtenstein National Museum, a public-law foundation of the Principality of Liechtenstein, is a significant institution that presents the history and natural history of Liechtenstein. It provides a comprehensive overview of the country's past and its natural environment, making it a valuable destination for those interested in learning more about Liechtenstein.
  4. Hilti Art Foundation4

    Hilti Art Foundation

    Since 2015, the Hilti Art Foundation has been showcasing selected pieces in an exhibition building known as the 'White Cube'. This building is directly connected to the Liechtenstein Art Museum in Vaduz, providing a seamless experience for visitors interested in exploring both venues.
  5. Liechtenstein Treasure Chamber5

    Liechtenstein Treasure Chamber

    The Liechtenstein Treasure Chamber, located in Vaduz, is a museum that showcases objects of significant material or ideal value that are associated with the Principality of Liechtenstein. These items provide a unique insight into the rich history and culture of the region.

All museums in Liechtenstein