The House of the Balconies, also known as Casa Méndez Fonseca, is a significant historical site in La Orotava, located in the north of Tenerife in the Canary Islands archipelago. This house is known for its unique three-story facade, referred to as 'sobrada', and its magnificent patio with carved wooden balconies. The house's history dates back to 1632 when it was originally built for Colonel Pedro Méndez de Castro. Over the years, the house has changed owners multiple times, with the ancestors of the current owners acquiring it in 1881.
The upper floor of the House of the Balconies, which was once the main living area of the residents, now houses a museum. This museum preserves and showcases the lifestyle of the noble families of Tenerife around the year 1880. The rooms include a salon with a library, a dining room, a ladies' bedroom, a pantry, and a kitchen. The salon features a piano, an ornate globe, and a then-brand-new phonograph, reflecting the lifestyle of the house's owners. In contrast, the kitchen, with its wood-fired stove and built-in oven, appears quite antiquated.
History & Anthropology Historic house
Monday | 8:30 – 19:00 |
Tuesday | 8:30 – 19:00 |
Wednesday | 8:30 – 19:00 |
Thursday | 8:30 – 19:00 |
Friday | 8:30 – 19:00 |
Saturday | 8:30 – 19:00 |
Sunday | 8:30 – 19:00 |
Calle San Francisco 3, La Orotava
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Puerto de la Cruz
La Orotava
Puerto de la Cruz
La Orotava