Realm of Chaos
The Realm of Chaos, also known as the immaterium, the spirit world, the aethyr, the æther and the warp, is another dimension - a separate reality from the physical dimension of the Warhammer World which is intrinsically linked to the mortal, material world. It is the source of all magic and within, the physical laws of our universe do not apply.[4a][4c]
The nature of the Realm of Chaos
If humans and all other races did not exist, then the Realm of Chaos would be a grey, neutral void fot it is life, more specifically intelligent life, that fills and populates the Realm of Chaos with raw emotions with negative emotions that are generally stronger. [2a]
Within the Realm of Chaos, the physical rules of the material world, such as space, time and gravity, do not apply. It is an ever-changing dimension of pure magic that lacks the order and consistency of our universe, and indeed is the source of all magical powers in Warhammer Fantasy. [1a][4c] The Realm of Chaos is home to many Gods, daemons, spirits and other magical entities.[4c] At the poles of the Warhammer World, there are permanent rifts to the Realm of Chaos which constantly spew raw magic (the "matter" of that dimension) into our world, warping and changing our reality.Needs Citation
The Elves describe the Realm of Chaos as being separated from the physical world by a "veil". This veil can be weakened in certain magically-saturated places in the world, and at various times (such as Geheimnisnacht and Hexensnacht). It can also be torn asunder creating rifts to the Realm of Chaos through which magical energy, daemons and such can pass.Needs Citation
Even when the veil is strong, however, the thoughts and emotions of mortal creatures can influence the warp, creating eddies and tides in the magical energy. Most mortal creatures have an immortal magical soul within the Realm of Chaos. This soul is typically anchored to their physical body during life, but floats free upon death and is then vulnerable to being preyed upon by malevolent . To avoid their souls being eaten by Slaanesh, the Wood Elves and High Elves bind their souls to the physical world in the form of magical trees (The Weave) and waystones, respectively. Other Elves may pray to Ereth Khial to take their souls, stealing them from Slaanesh. Humans from The Empire pray to Sigmar, Morr and other gods to protect their souls upon death. Particularly powerful souls able to influence the warp to a great degree glow brightly.Needs Citation
The most famous inhabitants of the Realm of Chaos are Chaos Gods and Daemons. These entities are a form of coalesced magical energy that has gained consciousness and self awareness. The most famous of these are the Chaos Gods: Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle and Slaanesh. Each of these is fuelled by a primal emotion/sensation experienced by mortals. For instance as mortals experience anger, it changes the magical energy of the Realm of Chaos and feeds the God Khorne, who grows stronger. Daemons are best thought of as a fragment of their God, with the more powerful Daemons being larger fragments.Needs Citation
It is important to realise however that not all Gods in Warhammer actually exist in the Realm of Chaos. Some are merely objects in the physical world which are worshipped, such as the Great Maw and the Fire Mouth. Others Gods have entered the physical world in physical bodies and remain here still. Indeed, it is also possible for mortals to cross into the Realm of Chaos physically (ie: their physical mortal bodies enter the other dimension) by travelling through a rift. This is what Chaos Warriors do, returning with their Chaos Armour. In addition, mortals may be "blessed" by the Chaos Gods and actually be transformed into a daemon. [4c]
Whilst mortals may be unaware what a Daemon actually looks like, what they are or where they come from they may know myths and stories about them. The subconscious learns and informs how manifestations from the Realm of Chaos takes shape which then reinforces that image by those unfortunate enough to witness them so a a Bloodletter looks the way it does because people believe it should look like that, their subconscious, filled with abject terror, further underpins the Daemon’s perceived form. [2a]
In -5600 IC Coming of Chaos or the Great Cataclysm brought fort the Realm of Chaos into the world as the polar Warp Gates of the Old Ones collapsed. The raw chaos which flooded into the world from the Realm of Chaos was the solidified Chaos known as warpstone that even created the Morrslieb the Chaos Moon. In the form of comets it rained down upon the world, warping many species into monstrous new forms, as well as leaving a far more subtle and insidious mark upon other races.[4a][4b]
In 1460 IC, Marius Hollseher crossed physically into the Realm of Chaos and returned to write the Liber Malefic. Some who do this may become Gods themselves, such as Sigmar.Needs Citation
All these are heavily couched in metaphor and are relatvively mutable and chaotic being extensions of the Chaos God’s traits, much like their daemons. Should two mortals ever visit Nurgle’s garden, although they would both see a festering, decaying mass, it would still appear different to each of them. [2a]
- Court of Covenant: Neutral territory for the Dark Gods. [1a]
- Forge of Souls: A hidden sub-realm where Daemonic craftsmen create Soul Grinders. [3a]
- Khorne: His domain is mostly formed of blasted wasteland, broken up by lakes of blood, jagged craters and canyons. It is tied to the mood of the Blood God and the level of his rage - when he his most furious, the sky itself screams, the lakes boil and bast clouds of choking ash billow from geysers to incinerate any nearby combatants. [1a]
- Brass Citadel: A vast jagged walled fortress within a moat of boiling blood. [1a]
- The Skull Throne: Deep within the central keep is a great vault holding Khorne's throne. Eight iron pillars hold up the ceiling, each inscribed with the commandements of the Blood God. The centre of the room houses the Skull Throne, sitting upon a great mountain of the skulls of champions. A carpet of bone extends from the foot of the throne, the remains of those slain by champions of Khorne. Also in the room is a mighty anvil where weapons and armour are forged for the favoured and the room is constantly patrolled by Karanak. [1a]
- Brass Citadel: A vast jagged walled fortress within a moat of boiling blood. [1a]
- Nurgle
- Garden of Blight: A overgrown collection of flora from a thousand worlds and a hundred realities, they are cultivated with great care and pride by Nurgle himself. Many of them are carnivorous and the garden istelf has a form of intelligence with a drive to attack intruders. [1a]
- Mansion: A gigantic mouldering building vast enough to hold all the oceans of the world. Within is the workshop of Nurgle where he creates new diseases in his iron cauldron, testing them on Poxfulcrum, a daemon able to heal from any infliction. Any plagues that meet with their creators approval are poured into a grate that then falls as rain in the material world. [1a]
- Garden of Blight: A overgrown collection of flora from a thousand worlds and a hundred realities, they are cultivated with great care and pride by Nurgle himself. Many of them are carnivorous and the garden istelf has a form of intelligence with a drive to attack intruders. [1a]
- Slaanesh
- Circles of Seduction: The realm of the Dark Prince is divided into six rings around the Palace of Pleasure, each formed around a specific seduction. [1a]
- Palace of Pleasure. Six great hall can be found in the paalce, again devoted to the six deadly seductions of Slaanesh. [1a]
- Circles of Seduction: The realm of the Dark Prince is divided into six rings around the Palace of Pleasure, each formed around a specific seduction. [1a]
- Tzeentch
- Crystal Labyrinth: Immense iridescent plateau, it is said that should it be destroyed, the Realm of Chaos itself would loose cohesion. [1a]
- Impossible Fortress: Its appearance and reality depends on the beholder but it is in constant flux being somehow bound to the progress of the schemes of Tzeentch. [1a]
- Crystal Labyrinth: Immense iridescent plateau, it is said that should it be destroyed, the Realm of Chaos itself would loose cohesion. [1a]
See Also
No one can know for sure what the Realm of Chaos, the Warp, the never-space, truly is. And if you did understand it, then you’d be truly insane. It’s an indefinable place that defies any kind of context. All we, as mere mortals, can do is try to perceive it in ways that can be confined and adapted so our minds do not crumble and break. We’re talking about grasping at fragments of a reality that cannot be explained..
~ John Blanche. [2a] |
- 1:Warhammer Armies: Daemons of Chaos (7th Edition) (2008)
- 1a: The Realm of Chaos, pg. 6-7
- 2: White Dwarf 368 (UK)
- 2a: Realms of Chaos, pg. 50
- 3: White Dwarf 341 (UK)
- 3a: Daemons Design Notes, pg. 27
- 4: Warhammer: The Old World Rulebook